From "Angst" to "Abridged"

Start from the beginning

Hey Vegeta we're friends right?

F*ck off.

The best.

He keeps punching me in the dick... Why? WHy does he keep punching me in the dick?

I'll be sure to give Freezer one for you best buddy!

Oh, come on now. I'm sure he's in a better place now. Oh, who am I kidding, he's probably in hell.

I don't know. I've been to Hell once, and the only bad thing were these two oiled up German men trying to wrestle me.

Are you real?

Oh look! He's concerned for you Vageta! You managed to make a friend!

Hate you... hate you both.

Just... Just transform damn you...Thanks!

What do you think of my third form?

I think Ridely Scott's going to sue someone

Whatever do you mean... LET ME TOUCH YOUR SKIN!


I am... literally dying...

"I thought to become a super saiyan you had to be pure of heart? Like my dad!"

There are other ways...


Goku, what's your favorite food?



Comeback: You are short and you're hair line is receeding.

*screaming in distance*

Trunks: Dad?


I'm never gonna get my hoagie.


I HAVE TO PEE! Jesus, I overslept. It's already night. For the first time since I landed here. On a planet with three suns... ... ... OH YOU MOTHER F*CCCCCCCKKKKKKKKEEEEEERRRRRSSSSSS

Ok, now that I have a DragonBall, all I have to do is not go around yelling---


Well, I was going to say "Come get me, Freeza" but that works too!

Why? Why did he kick me in the dick?

Not so funny is it now Kakarott?

Is Goku gonna be okay?

Man, get the f*ck off me!

Heal me, little green.

Oh, well, I would, but I'm tto distracted by the smell of my people's blood on your hands.

Oh No. Do not be that guy right now!

Oh, I am going to be that guy right now.

Heal me. Okay. But say my name first.


You don't even know my name

Wait... yes I do. It's uhh.. Little Green?

HAHA no. It's Dende. Say "Dende."


Now say "Please heal me Dende."

Please heal me Dende...

Oh well, since you asked so nicely... *flies off*

No. Come back.. magic ..

Four references in the time it took you to type that. You give up?

No. It's long is all. Plus I can't type fast. At least I thought of it! Four. Four references. I WANNA TAKE A SHOWER, GINA. Then go take a shower! I'm not going to stop you! I HAVE TO SHOWER IN VICTORY, CHILD. WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME!?!?!?!?!?I AM THE REFERENCE QUEEN! I WANT THE VICTORY OVER THIS REFERENCE BATTLE! I AM THE WINNER! I just need you to confirm this fact. I wasn't aware that this was a battle.

Shall we call it a draw then? Well, I suck so.. You can have the title! My queen. *bows* :)

A DRAW IT IS THEN. I just said that you won, and you want to call it a draw? In my experience, it doesn't work like that.

Pretty sure there is a saying about not looking a gift horse in the mouth, you know. Yeah, but this is about dragons, not horses.


:) <3 You silly. Why, thank you. *bows again* Want me to leave so you can take a shower?

Okay, all I need to do is not fly around yelling--- "Come to daddy you bald bastard!"

Well, I was going to say "Come get me, Freeza" but that works too!

Oh, well if it isn't Moe Howard.

How did you--?

Space Hulu


How 'bout we play a game. Ever heard of paintball?


Remove the 't'.

I don't get-- OH I GET IT

Vageta NO!

Vageta NO!

Vageta NO!

Don't worry! we have little green... oh.

Vageta NO!


Okay stay with me now. I need you to almost kill me.

Almost kill you?

Almost kill me.

And there will be no repercussions?

I will not punch you.

Oddly specific.


*white mage gets f*cked up*

Yeah, I don't know what happened either. I'm concerned. Well, back to watching nerdy British Youtubers!


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