Mixed-feelings #3

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In the heat of the moment, her manager's words echoed in her mind like thunder, a stern reminder of the consequences of her impromptu actions. As he stormed off in a cloud of frustration, she caught sight of something glinting on the ground a pristine notepad, perhaps left behind by that striking, well-built gentleman she had just encountered.

A fleeting thought crossed her mind, a whimsical notion of returning the lost item to its rightful owner. "Why not?" she mused, momentarily swept away by a wave of curiosity and intrigue.

With a swift determination, she approached the guards, her plea cloaked in polite urgency. Despite their initial skepticism, they relented, granting her passage with a nod of begrudging respect.

And there he was, the object of her sudden fascination, unaware of her approach until she was mere steps away. Breathlessly, she called out to him, her voice betraying a hint of vulnerability, a departure from the regal demeanor she usually wore like armor.

His response was unexpected, catching her off guard with its casual invitation. Stumbling over her words, she managed to utter a tentative proposal, a lunch date hanging in the balance of uncertainty. The anticipation hung heavy in the air, her heart pounding as she awaited his reply, fearing the inevitable rejection.

But then, in a bold move that left her speechless, he extended his wrist, offering a canvas for her to inscribe her digits. As she scribbled her name, Christina, on his skin, a rush of exhilaration coursed through her veins, a thrill of the unexpected.

With a coy smile, she bid him farewell, leaving him standing there, stunned and speechless, as she sauntered away, her silhouette a vision of confidence and allure.

"Until 5pm," she called back, a promise lingering in the air, as she disappeared into the bustling crowd, leaving him to ponder the whirlwind encounter and the possibilities it held for tomorrow's rendezvous.

Christina's pov

walking back in i felt like a different person everything looked and felt brighter what did that guy do to me ??

"What does he have that made me feel this way ?",i was excited about the coming night so i rushed home and took the longest shower I've had since my last meeting with an actual guy, wow its being a while since I had an actual date. As I set my self free from all the aroma and make up on my face and enjoying my peaceful shower I heard a knock on the bathroom door that kicked me back to life .It was Kris,she was yelling at the top of her voice as usual..
"oh hell the Queen menace,we all know this is your house ,but please can we atleast use your bathroom the last time you took a bath this long you came back happier than the guys at the bar during a wet T-shirt contest half drunk who's the guy mmmh? "

"Get lost kris, I said with a half smile on my face.

I walked out with my body all wet and had to tell her what I had on my mind . Mostly I would just walk past her and brush everything off ,but this time I felt something different and just had to say it

"Come on Queen obviously your hiding something.....mmh tell me with your perfect happy life I bet your hiding spill the beans

Weirdly these words hurt me and I just broke out
"Kris you think I love my life ?You think I like the names people call me ?I don't I don't have an identity of my own, I wish I could be free and real ,but nobody even knows me or my real name you have it easy but me no one understands .
I know shouting at my little sister was shallow complaining about my problems I just had to let that out I couldn't look at her in the eye I felt bad

"Sorry I have to go" I left the room in silence.

Kris Pov

I always assumed Christine reveled in her charmed existence—a picture of perfection, untouchable and self-serving. Little did I realize, she yearned for companionship, for solace in the midst of her self-imposed sacrifices. For years, she toiled tirelessly, ensuring my well-being, our sanctuary, our sanctuary, her sole refuge from the storm.

As I approached her room, an uncharacteristic vulnerability engulfed me—she was fragile, haunted by the specters of loss and solitude. "Remember this?" she reminisced, a flicker of mirth in her tear-streaked eyes, as we perused a trove of cherished memories. In that moment, her resolve wavered, revealing a soul battered by the tempest of life.

"Forgive me," she whispered, her anguish palpable, before enveloping me in a tearful embrace. In her embrace, I found solace, a beacon of light amidst the encroaching darkness.

"Come, Queen of Tears," I jested, masking my concern with levity. "Let us indulge in your favorite repast, whilst you regale me with tales of this mysterious suitor."

With a smile, she acquiesced, her countenance illuminated by newfound hope. As we shared a meal, her smile flickered, a tantalizing glimpse into the depths of her heart.

"So, who is this enigmatic paramour?" I prodded, a playful glint in my eye.

With a coy smile, she confided, "Ah, Kris, appearances can be deceiving. Not every smile betrays the object of my affection."

"Chris, Chris, Chris!" I exclaimed, overcome with excitement.

Her response was lost in the ether, a momentary lapse of introspection, before she conceded with a sheepish grin, "Ah, forgive me..."

In that fleeting moment, I glimpsed the fervor in her heart, a flame rekindled amidst the ashes of despair. And so, we talked into the night, the burdens of the past relinquished in the embrace of camaraderie.

Christine's pov
As I went to bed that night I wondered what tomorrow would bring the journey i was about to take I felt a sense of freedom I was getting my life back...

Bizzzz...Bizzzz my phone vibrated "ahhh what now!!" it was a message from a strange number it read:

Hey christine can't wait to see you 2moro sweet dreams good night.

"So that's his name....I smiled and with that i went to bed.


Hey guys thanks for reading just made some new editing to this chapter tell me what you think of the chapter and continue reading ...comment below

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