The-Encounter #2

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The concert had ended, but the excitement in my veins refused to wane. My heart pounded with anticipation, the thought of finally meeting the enigmatic Queen Menace fueling my every step. This was my chance to unravel the mysteries that surrounded her, to discover the truth behind the facade.
As I made my way backstage, I couldn't shake the feeling that everything I'd heard about her was a carefully constructed illusion. It wasn't out of a desire to expose her, but rather a longing to set her free from the confines of her public image.

With butterflies churning in my stomach, I approached the VIP area, only to be met with resistance from the guards. "Miss Menace is not expecting any visitors," they declared, their stern faces a barrier between me and the truth I sought.
Summoning all my courage, I concocted a lie about being a journalist here for a private interview with the Queen. To my relief, she caught sight of me and intervened, instructing the guards to let me through.

As I approached her, I could see the conflict in her eyes the struggle between duty and desire, between the persona she projected to the world and the woman she longed to be. Before her manager could intervene, I pulled her aside, determined to seize this fleeting opportunity.
"What's wrong with you?" she demanded, her voice tinged with frustration. But I could see past the facade, past the layers of protection she had built around herself. This wasn't the Queen Menace speaking it was the woman beneath the mask, crying out for understanding.
"Please, just give me a chance to get to know the real you," I pleaded, my voice barely above a whisper. And in that moment, I saw something change in her a flicker of vulnerability,  I saw her smile far more differently it was more real and her eyes were watery she was crying, a hint of something genuine amidst the artifice.
With a soft sigh, she relented, her guard momentarily lowered as she allowed me a glimpse into her world. I reached out to touch her, to offer comfort in the face of her pain, but she recoiled, her fear palpable.

Her words struck a chord deep within me, igniting a fire of determination to break through the walls she had erected around her heart. "You can trust me," I assured her, a smile playing at the corners of my lips as I offered her reassurance.
But before she could confide in me, her manager appeared, his presence a stark reminder of the world we inhabited a world where vulnerability was seen as weakness, and authenticity was a luxury afforded only to the privileged few.
"Guards!!! He shouted at the top of his lungs get that man out of here!

Before I could make an explanation I was in midair landing with a thud, luckily the soft soil broke my fall,
"And stay out!!" one of the guards shouted.
What hurt me the most wasn't my aching back or twisted wrist but the fact that I didn't even get to know her real name.


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