Chapter One

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Life. I could feel the blood flowing through me. Arms and legs began to move. Fingers began to look for an item to grasp. Eyes opened wide. "Explain to me why I'm awake? Why has the cycle been broken?" The servant kneeled in fright and I could hear his heart beating rapidly. "My lady. You startled me. I.. I.. I don't have the knowledge of who awoke you, but your brother is in the throne room." He was still trembling. Humans and their emotions. "Go to the hospital and tell the healer to bring me blood. He's to get one of his men to deliver a box to my chambers." "Yes My Lady. It will be done." He ran away and I left and headed to the throne room.

On arriving there, I was surprised to see that my sister, Phaedra, had also been awakened. "Khan? Phaedra? Can someone please explain this to me?" They both glanced my way. "Ariahni?" I was enveloped by arms as Phaedra pulled me in for a hug. "I have missed you little sister. It's good to see you after eons have passed." "The same can be said for you sister. And you Khan." He kissed me on the forehead. "Come sister. Lets sit together and I'll explain everything." Once we were seated he began with his tale. "My reign had begun peacefully with everything kept in order after your reign. That is, until two weeks ago. Our fortnightly supply caravan was journeying towards us and I had sent out a scout force to the halfway point to meet them and further escort them back to the castle. The scouts did not return and neither did the caravan. Suspicions arose within the council and the inevitable was decided." "Which was?" "Lycans." I stiffened at the word. "But they haven't caused any trouble since Phaedra dealt with them in her second reign. They were non-existent." "Which is why I made the decision to wake you both." "Oh, so you made the decision. You know breaking the cycle is not something mother and father would want us to be doing. They laid down that cycle to ensure we reigned equally." He nodded and put his hands together on the table. "I know I had no right to do what I did. But mother always said we worked best as a team and I feel that this is the opportune time for us to be together again." There was truth in his words as our mother did say that. She knew from when we were children. When it came time to work as a team, when we had to prove ourselves as full fledged vampires, father gave us the challenge of a hunt. Capturing a lone deer in the forest. It wasn't just any deer though. He marked it and we had to track it down, follow it and then attack it which required all our combined skills. "So.. What is your plan then? If your accusation is correct?" "I'm actually wanting to carry an investigation into the mystery of my missing caravan and my scout force. You're the best out of us when it comes to the forest and your instinct to sense everything helps even more, so, I was hoping to have your assistance. I really need to find out what happened to them." Silence filled the room as he waited for my answer. Something inside me was curious as well so I nodded. "We can leave as soon as you say so brother." He smiled. "I'm grateful sister. Armor up, we may need it just in case." Going into my chambers I see that it remained the same from my second reign. My four poster bed with its red bed sheets and red duvet with red pillows was the brightest and most recognizable piece of furniture there. My desk was still in its tidy state with the only three books I had ever read and a few documents that needed my signature. All that was left to fill up the rest of my room was two golden couches and a coffee table, a closet that held my armor and my wardrobe which held the rest of my clothing. I wasn't one to have so many possessions with me. That was more my brother and sisters weakness. After changing into my armor, the door opened and a servant stood outside holding a box. "Pardon me my lady, you requested this from the healer." "Thank you. Just leave it on the coffee table." He did as asked and left. I drank one of the glass vials and put the box on a shelf in my wardrobe. Leaving my chambers, I arrived at the castle gates where my brother had already prepared a scout force.

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