I looked down at my dressing gown which was covered in dirt. All I had under it was a pink shirt that I wore to bed. “I should probably go back to my room.” I said, feeling a slight blush form on my cheeks.

                       Angelo nodded and I turned away from him towards the house. Well that encounter was completely awkward.

                       As I walked through the main hallway, I could hear a loud scratching sound. Weird, I though. Suddenly, two cats tumbled out of one of the rooms and Tino and G came chasing after them.

                       “What are you guys doing?” I asked.

                       They both stopped and looked at me. “Melon and Nuts aren’t getting along as usual.” Tino said.

                       “’Melon and Nuts’? You mean the cats?” I asked.

                       They nodded. G pointed to another room. His face was covered in scratches. “They went in there.” He said.

                       I sighed and opened the door the G had pointed to. A small, white, fluffy cat was being chased by a larger ginger one. I walked towards where the tow cats were running around when Tino stopped me.

                       “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” He warned me.

                       I rolled my eyes and continued towards the two cats. They were really adorable and I didn’t see what was wrong with them other than the fact that they fought. I picked the ginger cat up and held it in my arms. Around its neck was a red collar the read ‘Melon’. The means the other one must be Nuts.

                       Melon mewed and rubbed its face against me.

                       “He likes you.” G said in astonishment. I walked over to him to place Melon in his arms. However, as soon as G so much as touched the cat, it went wild and attacked him.

                       I gasped.

                       “Don’t worry.” Tino said to me. “This happens all the time. Attacking G is Melon’s way of showing affection. It’s just that G doesn’t understand that.” Nuts then walked up to Tino and rubbed against his leg. Tino picked it up and it purred and snuggled even closer. “Nuts, on the other hand, is quite nice when he’s not being picked on.”

                       I smiled. This whole scene with the cats was really quite warming. I’d never had a pet before. “Does everyone here own a cat?” I asked.

                       “No.” Tino said. “But almost everyone has a pet of some sort.”

                       “My b – “ I stopped myself then continued. “My friend had a fish. That’s it.”

                       To tell the truth, I was about to say boyfriend. His name was Basil and I had to break up with him before I came to the Cielo mansion. It was sad. He was a really nice guy; he was cute too. I don’t feel too bad; Basil was absolutely fine with the breakup. Apparently he worked in one of the Cielo family’s branch organizations.

                       Tino laughed. “I don’t think a fish counts.” He said.

                       “Of course it counts!” I argued back.

                       We both laughed together at my sudden protest. “Do you want one?” Tino asked.                       “Huh?”

                       “A pet. Do you want one?”

                       A pet? Would he really let me keep an animal? What kind of animal would I choose? Then again, would I have the responsibility to take care of it? “I’ll have to think about it” I said.

                       Nuts jumped out of Tino’s arms and Tino sighed. “I guess I’ll be going now. If I were you, I’d use today and tomorrow to familiarise yourself with the mansion. We’ve got a lot to do before Sunday.” He said and walked away from me.

                       Sunday? What’s happening on Sunday? Why does no one ever tell me about important events?

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