1- Lady Rose

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Hi guys, this first chapter is a bit crappy, but I promise it gets better. Enjoy xx
"Lady Rose, Lady Rose? Where is that stupid child?" Ms Maxwell called, mumbling the last part slightly and lowering her tone.

"I swear, that girl will be the death of me. A wild child if I ever did see one! It's no wonder her father chooses to travel abroad throughout most of the year!" As Ms Maxwell spoke those words, I decided it time to emerge through the door I was hiding behind.

"Governess, sometimes I think it might be wise if you chose to close your mouth instead of screaming insults at me in my own home." I chided with a mischievous smirk as I gazed upon my governesses' horrified expression.
"Forgive me Lady Rose, I did not mean to speak such things" she stuttered, bobbing a curtesy.

Now, don't confuse me for a nasty child who likes making trouble for her dear governess, for I assure you, it is Ms Maxwell who is the nasty one. She has raised me since my mother died when I was just 3 months old, but I would certainly not consider her a motherly figure. She walks with an air of superiority and her rather large nose is constantly turned up at anyone whom she considers beneath her, which is positively everybody. She is an absolute wretch.

"And now you are lying to me, as you did mean to say those things, Leanne." I retorted with calmness, admittedly laced with a hint of a cheeky smile as I referred to her by her first name.

"Why you insolent girl!" She screeched, snapping into anger at the lack of respect I was showing.
"You shall refer to me with respect! I am your Governess, and while you father is absent, I am your ruler!" She exclaimed, rather dramatically, slamming her palm into the side table that sat near her.

I thought for a moment, deciding whether to insult her or run.

"Please forgive me and accept my humblest of apologies. I spoke out of turn, and I ask only of you not to tell my father of my horrid behaviour." I muttered sadly, my head turned down.
"Now dear, I will simply not accept your ghastly behaviour." She spoke, eyes gleaming with wickedness at my sad and dismayed expression.
"I truly understand... Leanne" I replied, my eyes dancing with amusement before I turned and bolted.
"Come back here, child!" She yelled, turning tail and fleeing after me, trying to grab hold of me so I could receive a beating.
"I am no longer a child, Governess, and would be most grateful if you ceased to refer to me as one." I called from down the corridor as I turned to exit the house, barely containing my laughter.

As I continued sprinting, laughter echoing the halls, I finally made it to the front door, startling the butler as I ran past him.
"Forgive me, Mr Finch" I giggled at the startled old man, continuing on my race. I ran outside to the front courtyard and ran past the fountain, heading into the rose gardens to the east. I continued running, growing tired till I finally came to a stop, hiding behind a rather pretty pink rose shrub.

I panted whilst laughing at my near escape, knowing I would have been in for a beating, and must now avoid her at all costs for the next few days. As I was about to congratulate myself on my close escape, I heard a twig snap behind me, turning around to see my dear governess looking positively livid.

Hey guys, this is just an introduction chapter to give you an insight into the characters!
Sorry if it was boring, this is my first time writing and I want to develop characterisation before I bring in the prince or any other main characters ;)

Thankyou for reading :)

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