And then she went to public school at the age of sixteen. His coddling of her, keeping her sheltered from society and social norms, the way he raised her might not be totally at fault. But being raised to become what she was might cause some problem for her in the near future because of her personality.

The most important people to her were probably her grandparents and father and the dream girl that always visited her dreams since as long as she could remember. To find out she was real both confused her to bits and elated her.

The most important persons to Mr. Murphy, Sonas' father, was his wife and daughter. He loved the rest of his family but those two the most.


Mike Emerson was the boy with a gang who seemed to care about Neart Ryan. Sonas Murphy soon found out something. She walked outside to get some fresh air before lunch period ended. It was a cloudy sort of day and unfortunately the clouds didn't too much look like candy. That was when she was so distracted by her thoughts about why clouds were like the way they were when her shoulders were slammed against the wall near the entrance of the high school. She blinked a few times and smiled at Mike Emerson's scowl. She waved at him which only increased his scowl and he held her wrists there. One boy had a look of apprehension on his face while the other two seemed to want something from her.

"You tried to talk to Neart Ryan this morning, in every class. Why do you guys share every class together?" He demanded.

"I don't know. It sounds fateful or something doesn't it? I have kept pondering all day though whether the Neart of my dreams is the Neart or the same Neart. She seems to have the same personality, the same quiet mask, the same hidden passion and the same quiet blushes. She's really quite beautiful don't you think? We made out too it was awesome!" Sonas rambled to Mike Emerson.

Mike Emerson's nustrils flared and his eyes lit on fire. He punched her head, her head tilted to the side and her eyes widened. His fist slammed into the brick wall. She ducked, jumped to the side when he tried to kick her and then she jumped to her feet. Before she could say that it was actually in her dream that they made out, before she could say she would have preferred to spar after school a lot of stuff happened at once.

Three of his minions attacked her, one punched her gut, the other tried to kick her left leg but she high side kicked his head and knocked him out. She kicked and knocked the person out when she held stomach and groaned in slight pain. She tried to remember to take the discomfort as something that would strengthen later. The knocked out person's head hit the back wall, he tumbled onto his back and the fearful minion took a few steps back. Mike Emerson and the other left standing were ready to continue fighting. They were both peeved.

She was in pain because it was strong punch. Usually her father and she sparred with protective gear on.

Mike Emerson threatened the apprehensive minion and he reluctantly punched Sonas' forehead, aimed in that direction but she rammed her head into his rest to misdirect the punch. She then used her left foot to side kick him in the groin. He yelped in pain and fell to the ground. The two left standing were Mike Emerson and his other minion.

Mike Emerson's face grew more contorted, his eyes more angry and his eyes face more expressive as was his minion or friend. They attacked at the same time Mike Emerson kicked the side of her left knee quite hard that she yelped in pain despite herself. She jumped forward as her left leg fell and round kicked the standing minion's head and he fell to the ground knocked out.

When she landed to the ground on her knees, especially her wounded knee she fell to the idea and embraced her stomach. She tried to detach herself from the pain, she was distracted by it. This distraction made it easier for Mike to kick forcefully his right foot into her chest again and again. And then before he kicked her head, she saw her angel knock down Mike Emerson and he fell to his back. Surprise was on his face and warning on hers.


Neart's attempts to wake her, Sonas that is, proved successful except when she tried to lift her up by the armpit several times. After Sonas uneasily got up without her Neart's help because the blonde was not strong enough to lift her. She explained briefly that Mike Emerson left after she threatened him but the blonde was more concerned that Sonas limped foreward and held her stomach

 "You're hurt." Neart said to Sonas. There was flash of something in her eyes. Her expressions were so mild because she was good at keeping tight her mask.

 "I- Yeah. Ha, ha. That tends to happen when I lose a match. Sometimes I lose you know Neart. I lose sometimes. You win some, you lose some. It was a good match! Four against one and-" Sonas said to Neart. She tried to keep optimistic. They probably just wanted to spar like she had suggested to them when they slammed her against a wall in the hall.

 "Why did you fight them?" Neart asked Sonas. Her tone oddly hard.

 "Oh because they wanted to fight. And I like to have discomfort, it makes me stronger and stuff. I mean I don't like the discomfort but I really like the strength I get from it. Not just discomfort, physical pain and whatever."

 "You're strange." Neart said to Sonas. Her tone softened.

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