9. Fear, family & doubts

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"I needed to pack a few things too. I'm going to see Roy." She told him.

"Roy?" Oliver tilted his head slightly.

"Malcolm tracked him down for me. I'm still surprised you gave him the ring...but I'd rather have him leading those psychos than you."

Oliver chuckled.

"Yeah he is better fit for the job." He teased.

"How's Felicity?" Thea asked as she started upstairs. Oliver followed after her.

"She's okay all things considered." Oliver replied.

"Good. You take care of her okay? I like her. She's sweet." Thea pointed a finger at him jokingly.

"You don't have to worry about that." He reassured her.

The siblings went to their old rooms and gathered a few things. Oliver packed some clothing, his tooth brush and a pair of shoes away in a small bag. He passed by his night stand where a picture of Him, Thea and his parents stood. He removed it from it's frame and slipped it carefully into the front of the bag.

As he went back out into the hall, he noticed Thea with her small suitcase.

"You take care of yourself, Speedy." Oliver pulled her in for a hug.

"You too, Ollie; I'll be back before you know it." She returned his hug.

"Tell Roy I said hey and thanks." Oliver called over his shoulder as he prepared to leave.

In a small bowl near the door he saw his familiar key ring. He smiled to himself as he picked them up and left.


A little while later and Oliver was riding his motorcycle to pay someone else a visit. Someone he'd always relied on for advice, a person he called brother; Diggle. He parked the bike and went to ring the doorbell.

John answered looking exhausted.

"Hey come on in. I just put Sara down for the night." John said as he went into the kitchen. Oliver dropped his bag near the door and pocketed his keys.

"Beer?" John offered as he held the bottle out towards Oliver.

"Yeah thanks." Oliver took a sip and sat down on one of the barstools.

"So what's up? You tired of a normal life already?" John teased.

"No," Oliver laughed a bit.

"I needed to talk to you about something." Oliver sat the bottle down.

"Go ahead," John urged as he prepared to listen.

"How'd you feel about Lyla telling you she was pregnant, John?"

"Okay, I didn't expect that. Technically Waller beat her to it. But I was happy I guess. Scared out of my mind, but happy. I had experience with helping Carly after Andy died, too."

"Have you ever had doubts, like wondered if you'd be a good dad?"

"Of course man. I still do, but parenting is a day by day thing. Why are you asking all these questions?" John took a sip of his beer.

Oliver sighed. He trusted Diggle, yet he debated on if he should tell him. Felicity hadn't even gone to the doctor yet nor had he discussed this with her beforehand. It was a little too late now, though, John was already curious.

"Felicity might be pregnant..." Oliver answered. He looked away from his best friend. He didn't want to see his reaction after the words left his mouth.

"Are you serious?" John exhaled loudly.

"We don't know for sure yet, but yeah."

"I would have never guessed. How's she taking it?"

"She's scared. I am too. I haven't told her that of course, but shit, Dig..."

"Listen, Oliver. Whatever happens you both are not in this alone. I'd gladly help and so would Lyla. Just try not to worry about it. I mean at least until you know for sure." John tried to calm him down.

"But Diggle, I've done things I'm not proud of. Just a few days ago I had Felicity kidnapped. I did that! I can hardly believe she still wants to me with me. I don't deserve her." Oliver hung his head slightly.

His guilt was really doing a number on his mind. It had crossed his mind more than once today that Felicity would be better off without him. His child would be, too.

"Oliver that's crazy. She loves you and you love her. Yes, you have a lot of things to get past, but if anyone can do it then it's the two of you."

"How sure are you about that John?" Oliver doubted him.

"100%. You're not the Oliver Queen you were when you got on that boat. I didn't know you, but I've done my research. When you returned, you were a man on a mission. A mission you sought out because of your father. You loved him despite finding out he wasn't who you thought he was. You defended your mom time and time again although you had your doubts. That's what you do when you love someone, Oliver. You aren't perfect, man. No one is. You have to let all of that go and focus on what's ahead: a family, a life with Felicity. Didn't you say you wanted that?"

"Yeah." Oliver answered without hesitation.

"Then that's all that matters. The great thing about kids is they don't care about what you did. They just want you and your love. Whatever I'm feeling when I walk through that door, it instantly goes out the window when I see my little girl. You'll know exactly how that feels when you hold your kid in your arms." John smiled.

Oliver thought back to the night Sara was born. He remembered going to the hospital and seeing the bundle of joy in Lyla's arms. John wasn't far off and he was smiling from ear to ear with pride Oliver had never seen before. He'd been a better man ever since.

"Thanks, John." Oliver nodded his head. "I needed to hear that."

"Yeah anytime man," John replied.

Oliver left fearing that Felicity would be awake by now. As he headed out of the door, John gave him a friendly pat on the back.

As he walked towards his motorcycle, he felt as though a weight had been lifted off of his shoulders. He was far from perfect, but that didn't mean he didn't deserve happiness. He also refused to leave Felicity alone and allow her to go through this by herself. He'd show her everyday how much he was willing to be a better man for their family. He vowed to erase any doubts and fears from both of their minds.

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