“No, no, no.” Annabeth said as she took my arm. “it’s just that, you know, you don’t normally wake up early.”

                        I smiled.

“m’lady.” I said as I opened the shot gun door of my car gesturing her to get in.

“Why, thank you kind sir.” she said, then she sat in her seat. I then closed her door, and walked to my side and got in.

-----LINE BREAK------

                        I parked my car and started to get out when Annabeth took hold of my arm, yanked me closer to her, and kissed me. Hard.

                        I was shocked at first, but then kissed back harder.

                        A bit later, Annabeth pulled away and smiled.

“That was for giving me a ride to school.” She said then went out of my car and walked towards the school entrance. Leaving me dumbfounded.

                        I was just sitting there staring at where she was a moment ago, blinking.

                        When I did snapped out of it, I got out of the car, locked it, and followed Annabeth.

-----LINE BREAK-----

                        School went by fast. Which I am very thankful to, I might add.

                        At homeroom, Annabeth and I studied for our test and talked about nonsense.

                        At marine biology, we just studied something I didn’t listen to. Because 0ne, I was excited about our date. Two, our date was all I can think about. And three, I already knew what they were talking about anyway.

                        At swimming, we just swam. Duh!. We also found out if we got the team. I did by the way. Team A, leader.

                        At lunch, we— Wait. Stop. I’m not even going to bore you with my day.

Okay, let’s just say that my day was normal-ish.

                        I think I passed my assignment in History. By the help of Annabeth, of course. The rest of the day was normal. At P.E., we just jogged and raced. I won, Annabeth-second. Tristan-third.

                        And then comes the part we’ve all been waiting for,

                        My date with Annabeth.

                        Let me tell you what happened.

                        After school, I rode Annabeth to her house. Err….apartment.

“Hey, babe I’ll be coming over around 4:00” I told Annabeth when we pulled up at Annabeth’s yard.

“kay.” Annabeth said as she took her seatbelt off.

“Oh, babe. Bring a jacket. We’re gonna go to a movie.” I said with a smile.

“sure. Bye, Perce.” She said then pecked my lips. “What are we watching?”

“Anything, you’d like.” I said. She smiled.

“I can’t wait.” She said. She got out of the car, walked towards the door, gave me one last smile, and walked in her house closing the door behind her.

The Fakes In Goode And Annabeth ChaseWhere stories live. Discover now