The Killer's Apprentice (JTK)

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I am leaving tomorrow.

I read the words over and over again on my computer screen. He was leaving tomorrow? What did that even mean?

I quickly typed back, What do you mean?

After I sent the message, I sat back in my computer chair. The Jeff Anon had been up for about three months on Facebook. At first, when I'd gotten the message from him two months ago, I'd laughed and shook my head before replying. It wasn't that I thought or even think he's real, but he was very convincing.

He would go on his talks about the pleasure he got from killing. I wouldn't pay it much mind, of course, but it didn't mean that it wasn't creepy. Then, on some days, he would come online and seem different. He'd talk, but he sounded as though something bothered him. He would talk nonsense and when I'd ask him what was up he'd tell me something that made him sound like a philosopher.

I am leaving. Technically tonight. I am going to Florida.

He was going to Florida? Interesting. Laughing quietly, I joked back. Florida, eh? Can I come?

After I sent the message, I stood up and walked over to the fridge. After getting a bowl of grapes and a Pepsi, I went back to the seat. He'd already replied.

Why would you want to come? I have business to attend to.

I chuckled. After two months of talking to 'Jeff the Killer', I had gotten used to everything he says. Hardly anything surprised me anymore.

I wrote back. Because it's Florida. I've never been to Florida, but I've always wanted to. What kind of business?

"Kim," my mom called, "Open the door, I forgot the key!" Sighing, I sat up before Jeff could answer my questions and walked over to the door. Mom was waiting for me with bags of groceries in her hands. Chuckling, I unlocked the door and opened it.

"Thanks," she said and stumbled inside. Without answering, I went back over to the computer and looked for a reply. Sure enough, it was there.

Yes, but this is no vacation. I am following a girl I've been watching for a few weeks now. She is going on vacation there and I plan on ending it. She has become boring.

I stifled a laugh. He was following a girl to Florida? Right.

So? I'd still like to tag along. It sounds like... An interesting trip.

"Kimmie, come in here for a moment," Mom called. I sighed. Couldn't I have one conversation with a murderer? I stood up and walked into the kitchen.


"Have you seen my keys?" She turned around, a frown on her face. I inwardly sighed. I did love my mother, truly I did. But she could be one of the most scatter-brained people I knew.

"Aren't they on the counter? Try under the purse." Sure enough, there were the keys. I laughed quietly and shook my head as I went back to the computer, reading the reply I got from Jeff.

Do you really want to go through all that trouble to take one trip to Florida?

I cocked my head to the side and thought. A trip with a twenty-two year old Jeff the Killer? I grinned.

Hell yes.

I sat back in my chair and sighed, closing my eyes. Ever since I'd started talking to this anon, I'd changed. I felt different. The world seemed different. I looked at everything differently. This Jeff character had made me see things I'd never seen before. How ignorant some people could be, how intelligent others could be, and what it felt like to feel yourself slip.

The small ding told me he'd replied. I turned to look.

You are such an interesting little girl.

The message had came with a pause, like he had thought about something. I rolled my eyes and didn't waste any time replying.

Yes, I'm clearly the most interesting one of us.

I pulled my hair up in a pony tail and looked in my mirror. My hair was naturally brown, but I'd dyed it and now it was dark and had pinkish purple streaks in the bottom. I wore black glasses that were rimmed pink. My face was covered in freckles and I had a new piercing on my lip. Snake bite. Mom almost killed me when I got it, but Jeff thought it was funny that I would do that.

I wasn't tall, but I wasn't short either. I had fairly tanned skin. Right now I was wearing a bright orange shirt that said 'Wild And Free' in black and dark blue jeans. It was a regular thing.

Sometimes it seems that way, Jeff replied.

I grinned and leaned back, thinking before replying. So can I come?

There was a long pause and then, I'll think about it.

This time I really did laugh. "Right," I murmured to myself, "Because that's going to happen." The thought of going to Florida with Jeff the Killer made me laugh. What a thought, right?

Great. Now, I have algebra homework. So, bye.

Without waiting to see his reply, I logged off. I groaned. Algebra homework sucked! There was nothing interesting about math. I won't need to know how to solve multi step equations when I get older. I know how to count money. I'm all set.

Instead of doing the responsible thing and starting my homework, I stood up and walked into the living room. Mom was in the kitchen, chopping carrots.

"Need some help?" I asked as I walked in and washed my hands. Mom smiled and left me to the carrots as she went to slice tomatoes.

"Yes, please. So, how was your day?"

I faltered while chopping the carrots, then regained myself and continued. School wasn't the worst thing in life, but it wasn't great. I had friends, but I also had enemies. "It was fine. Well, it was Tuesday," I corrected myself and rolled my eyes. Tuesdays were awful. Just like Mondays.

Mom laughed slightly. "What do you think about highschool?"

"Better than middle school," I answered. I pushed the carrots aside with the knife and began to cut lettuce. Mom chuckled and began to hum a song as she cooked. I smiled at the song. It reminded me of my childhood.

"So, how was your day at the office?" I asked and looked over the rim of my glasses to see her. Mom looked up and then rolled her eyes, letting out a soft moan. I laughed at the moan.

"Kim," she started, "It was awful. These people are complete idiots. And they have no idea what they're doing!" She began to rant about her awful day at work. I smiled and half listened, half tuned her out. My mind wandered to Jeff, as it often did. He wasn't real, I knew that. But that didn't mean he didn't find a way into my mind.

The Jeff anon had become important to me.

I thought about him regularly. When I was at school, when I was home, when I was at a store. He was always there, somewhere in the back of my mind. Always. A too-wide smile staring at me with dark eyes.

"Kimmie, go set the table and I'll finish up."

I nodded quietly and went to do just that.

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

I hummed quietly as I washed the dishes. I knew Mom was tired, so I told her to go to bed. She was reluctant, but finally agreed to let me clean up.

Once I was done, I made my way to my room. I was tired. No, I was exhausted. The day had been long and I still had a full week to go. I changed and crawled under my blankets, soon falling asleep.

This is my new book, haha. I've grown fond of the fictional character known as Jeff the Killer and decided to write this. I hope you enjoy. This chapter is not very entertaining, but I promise the next will be. Tell me what you think.

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