We've Arrived

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To say I was afraid was an understatement. Utterly terrified? Now there is a good word.

Jeff was once again swerving left and right. I held on for dear life, my face paled. I could feel the utter irritation coming off of him in waves. I had tried to open the door earlier, but the child-proof lock was on. There was no way to get out of this car. Not now.

The car swerved to the left and I fell over again. I groaned and fixed my glasses as quickly as I could and sat up. "Would you please stop that?" I snapped and quickly pulled my seatbelt on. I heard a growl from the front seat.

"I suggest you don't test me, Kimberly. I'm in a very bad mood." Jeff's raspy voice made me flinch back. I sighed and leaned back, going silent again.

I couldn't see anything outside. It was pitch black out, though that didn't stop Jeff from driving at dangerous speeds. This guy could have been a Nascar driver, if murdering wasn't already his occupation. I chuckled to myself.

Did I really just call murdering people an occupation?

"Is something funny?" Jeff barked, making me flinch again. I met his eyes in the rearview mirror. They were black and inhuman, yet I could have been sure I was emotion in them. Anger and frustration, and maybe hurt?

I bit my lip and dropped my gaze like a scolded child, shaking my head slowly. Jeff huffed faintly. "Well?"

"No," I whispered softly, "Nothing's funny." I heard him make a soft noise from his throat before returning his gaze to the road.

"Good," he said. Then, in a softer tone he added, "Get some sleep, Kimberly. We'll be there by morning." I sighed, but didn't argue. I felt exhausted, so without another word I closed my eyes and curled up. It wasn't long before I was fast asleep.

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

"Kimberly?" a voice whispered. The voice was raspy and deep, and familiar. "Kimberly, wake up. Kim?"

I cracked my eyes opened and met with two black eyes, a white face, and a giant smile. Instantly I scooted away from Jeff. I was lying down in the backseat of the car, but he had the door opened and was staring in at me. I pushed myself against the other side of the car by instinct.

Jeff watched with interest written clearly on his face. He tilted his head slightly. "What are you doing?" he asked after a moment of watching with curiosity.

"Oh, I don't know. A few hours ago you were chasing me through the woods, so I figured being close to you is probably not a good idea!" I snapped back in a voice that was near hysterical. I pressed my back against the other side of the car and glared hopelessly at the murderer who had to bend down to even stick his head inside the car door.

He rolled his eyes and stared at me silently for a moment. Then he said, "I am no longer as angry at you. You're not in any danger. Now, come out from there. We're here." He gestured for me to come towards him, and when I didn't he rolled his eyes again and reached inside, grabbing my arm and pulling me out. I stiffened but didn't fight him, deciding that was a bad idea. Besides, his grip wasn't harsh like last night.

I squinted in the sun light and rubbed my face, pushing my glasses upward so that I could rub my eyes. I thought I heard Jeff chuckle as he watched me attempt to wake up in the bright sun, but that might have been just me.

"Here?" I repeated drowsily, stretching out. "Where is here?"

"Well, obviously it means we've arrived in Florida and that you need to wake up ." He sounded slightly more agitated now and my eyes snapped over to him. "Now, come on, let's get moving."

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Oct 08, 2016 ⏰

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