"What's with the spec?" I asked him. He ignored me and sat down. I raised my eyebrow. Who just allowed him to sit three? But then, he looked straightly to me.

That's kind a awkward.

I cleared my throat and continued study. I should just focus on my study. Hours had been passed and still, Sehun still here with me. I took a glimpsed of him. He closed his eyes while siting down. Is he sleeping?

"If you want to stare at me just stare it nicely." I was surprised that he suddenly talked. He slowly opened his eyes and smiled a little.

 He slowly opened his eyes and smiled a little

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That's unusual.

I finally done with biology. I closed the book and stretched my arms. I looked at the time and it's 5 pm. I've been here for 5 hours. "Took you so long doing those stuff." He said. I looked at him again and crossed my arms. "What do you want?"

He just do that expression

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He just do that expression.

That's cute.

Wait, what?

I didn't say that right? Then a finger snapping me. I blinked my eyes. "Come on, I'll treat you dinner." He said and stood up. "What?" I asked him in confused. He sighed hardly and face me. He came near to me.

 He came near to me

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"You heard me." I blinked my eyes at him.

Did freaking Oh Sehun invite me to treat a dinner?

I'm not dreaming right?

I didn't realise that he was already in front of the library door. He gestured me to come. I quickly pack my things and jogged to him. "Ayee, why are you so slow old woman?"

"I'm not old. We're in the same age."

"Correction. I'm a year older than you. It just that you're too smart you skip a year."

I grinned. Well, I'm smart kid. Then, why am I here? 

"You look ugly with that look."

I looked at him and frowned.

"This guy like knows everything." I muttered. "I heard that Seunghwan."


Wait, he finally say my name.

"You call me by my name."

"Why? Is it wrong?"

I quickly shook my head. We're already outside the campus. "Wait, here. I'll be back." He said and took my things from my hand. "Where are you going?"

"Taking my car. What else? Just stay here."

I looked at his figure getting far away. So I waited as I had been told. Minutes passed and Sehun came with his car. "Get in." He pulled down her window. I won't get in that freaking car. I shook my head. He came out from the car and his face change.

 He came out from the car and his face change

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Yeah, back to Oh Sehun.

Oh Sehun that I know.

He came to me and took my wrist.

"I never invite a girl in this car so please, can you just get in?"

"You said please right?"

He looked at me and nodded.

"I hate to admit but yes. I pleading you."

I chuckled.

"Oh my Gucci." I laughed hardly.

"What's so funny?"

"You Sehun. You're funny." I still laughed at him. "Really? Can you stop it?"

I stopped laughed and looked at him.

"Okay, I'll go in the car since you treat me dinner." He rolled his eyes and both of us went in the car.

Well, as the time flew so fast. He really treat me dinner. He treat me pasta and pizza which I craving for I these few days.

Oh no, I think I'm on PMS.


Sehun even send me back to home.

"Thank you for the treat." I grinned at him and pinched at his cheek. He was surprised and looked at me.


Wrong move,

"Sorry and bye." I quickly get out from his car.

Dug dug dug dug

Why does it being like this?

This is so unusual.

I never have that kind of feelings.

Oh boy~


Ray with Sehun for this chapter!! Haha.

Sehun a bipolar guy. You guys will know why he's being like that xD

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