(In mature) Company

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Two hours.

They've only been in that room for two hours and Alicia was already done with this woman. The blonde had called her numerous names, ranging from pretty girl to cupcake. Her cocky attitude towards everything was driving her up the wall. What's worse was that Elyza seemed to make it her personal goal to keep Alicia's face as red as possible for as long as possible.

She hated this. There was not one part of her that liked any of this. (At least that's what she keeps repeating to herself.)

Especially now as she sat on the bed, leaning her back against the headboard, watching the infuriating woman do a small work out. Well, Elyza said a small work out. To Alicia it was anything but.

"66..67..68..69..." Elyza chuckled to herself in her pushup position as she said the number, making Alicia roll her eyes from her spot on the bed. "..70..71.." The blonde had discarded her leather jacket and shirt (which Alicia sucked in a breathe when the girl did this, only to release it a moment later when she saw the white tank top underneath it) and put them on top of the dresser next to the bed.

"How long are you going to keep this up?" Alicia huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. Elyza had been doing her workout for at least 45 minutes and hasn't let up once. Can people go on for that long? She wanted the blonde to be done, but only because her eyes would not listen to her. They seemed to seek out the sweaty girl even when she didn't want to. Though she had to admit, the blonde looked fantastic covered in sweat. If only it were for a different reason...

What? No. Alicia shook her head. Stop it Alicia. For goodness sake. She hates how her body was reacting to this gorgeous clutz. Especially now that said sweaty blonde had her arms out on display. She could see that the blonde supported a number of tattoos. On her right left shoulder she could make out part of what looked like claw marks. The tank top covered a good portion of it though. On her right arm she could see what looked to be leaves, like they were blowing in the wind. They went from below her elbow up her arm, and disappeared under her tank top. They seemed to get smaller as they travelled up. She also noticed an infinity symbol on the blonde's right wrist. Though it seemed broken and incomplete.

For some reason a part of her wanted to take that tank top off and look at the tattoos up close. She quickly dismissed the thought.

"Well cutie," Elyza grunted as she went back down. "75.." She muttered. "I'm going to keep doing this until I can feel the burn ." She chuckled and down before coming back up. "76.. Would be quicker if I had weight on my back."

"Weight on your back?" Alicia frowned.

"Yep." Elyza grunted out. "77. You want this done and over with? Why don't you-78- hop on my back? 79- it'll get the job done-80- quicker."

"Climb onto your back?" Alicia rolled her eyes. "Like hell. You can do that."

"Like hell-81- I can." Elyza grinned.

"No way."

"82- Yes way."

"Your lieing." Alicia narrowed her eyes at the girl.

Angel with a shotgunWhere stories live. Discover now