Chapter 8: You're..Who..?

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(Skip to the end of the battle because I'm lazy ayyy)
(Narrator P.O.V)
Danny Carefully flew you to your house, laying down your limp, fragile body on the bed. He brushed the hair out of your face and stared at your sleeping body. He smiled, thanking himself internally for the hard battle that he had just won. He was interrupted by a figure clearing his throat. There stood the Dessinateur, crossing his arms and slightly glaring at Danny. "I think she's alright for now..thanks for the help though." He said, walking over to you as a blush spread across his cheeks. "Yeah." Danny replied, lifting off the ground. "Keep her safe..I don't like seeing civilians injured." He said, giving a soft smile before flying out. The redhead looked down at the you again and met your gaze. You had woken up. You winced as you sat up, grabbing your head. "Nnng..what..happened?" You asked, looking up at him. He chuckled and sat beside you. "Nothing, you just passed out." He said, taking your hand and putting on a serious face. "(Y/n...I need to confess two things to you.." He said, gulping. You sighed and held up your other hand. "This is what happened in my dream. I'm obviously sleeping again and I-" you were suddenly cut off with a pair of soft lips crashing onto yours. You closed your eyes but felt a cold, electrifying breeze go over you. As the kiss broke, you slowly opened your eyes to see Nathanaël, looking at you with innocent eyes. "I-I'm the Dessinateur.." He said. Your eyes went wide as your face grew pale. "You're...who..?" You asked again, slowly removing your hand from his. He nodded once, taking a deep breath. "And- I...I you (Y/n) he said, looking off to the side with his face flushed. You thought for a moment before giggling. "You're too cute." You said to him, trying to cover up your loud giggles. He looked up at you, noticing the tears forming in your eyes. "I-I'm so glad it's you..I was starting to fall in love with both of you!" You squeaked, wrapping his neck and nuzzling your face into it. "Thank you..." You whispered in his ear. You yawned and laid back down on your soft pillow as he drew the blankets over you. He gave you a soft kiss on your forehead before turning to leave.

You grabbed his wrist.


He turned around.

"Stay with me.."

He chuckled, sitting beside you and pulling out your sketchbook from a nearby table.

"Only as long as I can draw you something cute in your book~" He teased.

You giggled sleepily, closing your eyes. "Go on ahead.." You mumbled.

He waited till you were asleep to draw.

~The next day~

You awoke to the song of the birds.

You grumbled, looking at the clock.


The sketchbook.

You smiled big as a tear rolled down your cheek.

Written in big letters,
Was the words,
"I Love You"
With a little sketch of Juliet and Romeo.

You sniffled as you got out of bed, stretching and realizing you had no school.

You set your foot down on something squishy.


You crawled down and lifted up his arm, placing it over you.

"I love you too.." You said softly as Nath's blue eyes opened, smiling wide.

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