Chepter 5: I've never met a purple superhero before..

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(Your P.O.V)
Once the match between Kim and Alix had settled, I decided to head to moms shop. Since I moved, mom desperately needed employment, so why not open a candy store. What could go wrong? Everything. Bleh. I hated it. Better yet, despised it. Mom hates to deliver so she makes her sweet little daughter deliver specially made candies to her.
Today was the day that Chloe did not order anything to be delivered. Oh no. She wanted to go inside to look around. I sighed, walking into the back room and quickly slipping on a cute apron, tying my hair back into a perfect ponytail. I walked out and was immediately greeted by the thing. "Oooo, how cute. (Y/n) workshop! Hah! I don't even have to lift a finger and get money!" She teased, puckering her lips. 'Kill me...' I thought, my attention from her being pulled away instantly as Nathanaël walked in, wearing a t-shirt and shorts. He smiled and waved at me as he approached the counter. I giggled softly "Never seen you wear somethings like that before. I never really saw you as a sporty guy." He blushed slightly, looking at the floor. "Since Kim got defeated, he was kind of lonely once it was all over. So, I volunteered to take a run with him..that's all.." He glanced back up. "Aaand, I'm here because Alya told me how good your caramel covered apples were." He licked his lips "My favorite~" he held up his index finger and gave a closed eye smile "One please!" My cheeks turned a faint red as I handed it to him, our hands gently brushing each others. "O-On the house..." I stuttered, trying to hide my embarrassing cheeks. His eyes grew wide and I smirked. He ruffled my hair and winked as if saying thank you.

~Time Skip bright to you by Lady Wifi!~

(Narrator P.O.V)
Once you closed down the shop, you walked up to your bedroom and got ready for bed. You laid down on your bed, staring up at the ceiling. You closed your eyes as you heard a soft tapping on the window of your balcony. You walked towards it, still in your white flowing nightgown and opened it to see something...different. You blinked as you carefully approached it. "May I help you?" You asked, raising a brow. He chuckled, grabbing your hand and placing a gentle kiss on the top. "You can call me The Dessinateur. I'm here because you may need to know the man who ends up saving you in the future!" He flexed his muscles, causing you to let out a quick laugh. "And why do you believe I need saving, hm?" You asked. He smiled sweetly. Your heart pounded as you stared into his eyes. 'Familiar...' You thought, getting lost in his sea blue eyes. He leaned in as you watched his beautiful eyes go to your lips than back up to you. You blushed softly as you felt the soft, warm lips crash onto yours. He pulled away, smirking and jumping onto the ledge. You smirked back at him, crossing your arms as you looked up, meeting his eyes again. "Y'know, I've never met a purple superhero before..." You teased, causing a laugh to escape his lips. He jumped off as you sighed dreamily, looking up at the sky. 'How interesting...I swear those eyes belonged to someone..huh..' You thought, eventually shrugging it off and heading to bed once more. You crawled under your covers and smiled as you heard a purr from you feet. You soon felt your cat MeiMei crawl up in your arms and fall asleep. 'I can't wait to tell Nathanaël!'

Little did she know that he already knew about Romeo and Juliet.

( MeiMei is actually Chinese for "Little Sister" in case you didn't know. (Yes I'm taking Chinese in school like a dork) )

(I'm so sorry if this isn't good! I've had so much stuff piling up on me and I'm trudging through it! I personally love to read Nathanaël fanfiction so I know how it feels to read a good once but they don't finish! Waaa cliff hangers! Again, I sincerely apologize for this late update! Hopefully chapter  Six will come soon..-insert Lenny face here-)

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