Chapter Cuatro

71 7 3

Doing some moshin' outside of the school. 

"Bye love, see you next weekend!" Sophia yelled to me as she got into her moms car and pulled away.

I waved to her, almost happy she was leaving. I loved Soph to death, but she was hella annoying. I walked inside and sat on my couch with my knees pressed against my chest, and my chin resting on my right knee. 

Hmm. Maybe I should text Jake. Or does that make me seem desperate? But then again...I was kind of desperate...

No. I'm not. I'm not desperate. I just want a new boyfriend...

Is that desperate? Ugh. This is complicated. Maybe I should just go walk and buy a Monster or something. But I don't know...

I'm so indecisive. Right? I guess so.

Ok enough. It's Saturday morning and I need something to entertain myself. I wonder where Jake lives. I sighed, standing up and going to get changed. 


I waited a couple seconds for a response.



"WHAT!" She quickly yelled back.

"Can you take me to the barn?" I asked

"You have legs, walk." She responded.

"You have keys, drive." I said quickly back. All of a sudden a pair of keys fell from the second floor, dropping onto the rug infront of me.

"Drive yourself." She said back.

"Mom. I'm only 14."

"So? If you don't get caught no body needs to know. anyway the barn is like a mile up the road, You'll be fine. " She said.

"Seriously? Fine but if I wreck your car -"

"You won't, its not that far!" 

I sighed quickly changing into some ratty clothes and picking up the keys. I grabbed a water and got into the car. I sat in my moms red mini van for a second before putting the keys in. Everyone at the barn thought I was old enough to drive, considering I do all the time.

I put the water down and started the car, backing out of the drive way. I decided to go the long way, only cause they were backroads so less people could notice me. 

It was nice out so there were a good amount of people walking.

Oh my gosh, is that Jake? Well who else would be waving to me... 

I pulled over, rolling down the window.

"Hi Jake." I said smiling.

"Dude, your old enough to drive?" 

"Naw, but my moms a lazy shit so she lets me drive to the barn once in a while."

"Barn?" He asked questioningly.

"Yea, with horses and stuff. I have a horse over there."

He smiled. "Thats wicked cool. I was actually gonna text you to see if you wanted to hang..." He trailed off.

"You can come if you want," I said quickly. "or we could hang out before and I'll just go later..." I said trailing off. 

"Yea, I'd love to see your horse. I haven't seen a horse since I was 10." He said. He climbed around into the front seat next to me. 

"Yea its pretty cool. Love horses." I said smiling. I pulled off the side and back on the road. 

"So whats it's name?" 

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