"Isn't every man although?' He questioned, with a serious tone to his voice, "I'm just joking, I'm here to keep you from these said men. As I said before, he'd have my damn head if he finds out his beloved his somewhere without his protection."

"Uhuh, so bodyguard? Quite surprised, wouldn't take you for the type.'

"Oh shush, we all know I'm doing this for myself."

She smiled at him as he put his arm on her head, as if she was armrest, a typical thing that brothers and sisters do, she thought. They walked as she shook her head causing his arm to fall, and them to laugh, towards the weekly fruit market near Champs Elysees.

"This one or this one?' She asked him as she compared two slices of watermelon, both exactly the same but she asked him anyway. He looked pestered, as he was trying hard to read something on his phone. 

"Whichever one, I'll go pay for it,' Hux shoved his phone in his pocket and looked at her, his sunglasses hiding whatever emotion was there, "Let's go find a cafe."

He gave the man behind the counter a few euros, and Bella chose the one on her right hand, it seemed to be a little redder than the other one. She stuck it in her eco-bag and joined his fast pace as they looked for a nearby boulangerie, which they found in no time and took a seat, ordering a cappuccino for him and a latte for her. 

"So what's in that damn phone anyway?" She questioned as she deliberately kicked him, gently she thought, on his leg below the table.

"Ouch!' He exclaimed, almost dropping his drink, "Did anyone ever tell you how great you would be at football? That kick is absolutely painful."

"The phone?' She pressed on, not minding about his snide remark that made him and himself alone chuckle, the twat.

"It's for Lexcorp, simple business." He took one more look at it and locked it again, placing it in his pocket with care.

"What the hell is with you, Lex and this damn business!" She almost yelled, it was frustrating to keep hearing the same words over and over again, not to mention that she was involved with him and Hux so what they could be doing, could affect her. 

"Calm down Bella, we wouldn't want to spill that coffee on you,' He said coolly, exactly the way Lex did, and got the mug from her shaking hands. 

"Then don't spill the coffee, spill what's happening." She demanded.

He sighed as he realized there would be no getting out of this situation, so he decided to put his faith in the feisty woman in front of him, as these weeks were enough for him to evaluate what kind of girl she was, a girl not to be crossed.

"It involves Superman, and killing him.'  


"He's seriously trying to kill Superman?!' She said loudly, which caused Hux to slam a palm over her mouth. They were ascending the stairs to the apartment that she and Lex were staying at, and he was being paranoid. 

"Well that was a deal he supposedly struck with the government, Lex argued that this Superman was too dangerous to live, so instead kill him using this chemical called Kryptonite.'

"What is he planning to even do with it? Stick it in the guy's face then Superman immediately dies? Does he even have enough or have it all?' 

"Lexcorp has stocks of Kryptonite yes, and some of those resources or stocks may go to eliminating said Superman but not all apparently. That's why we're both so entranced at our screens, as I'm pretty sure I can speak for him when I say it isn't easy trying to negotiate with other people, such as Ilkinov, the representative for the Russians, about such a chemical that could kill a god as superman is known, something that could break the invincibility that he supposedly has. ' He whispered to her as they took more steps, huddled together as they finally reached the door to the apartment.

"Why would he do it? I understand he can do it, we had argument about it anyway, and I understand why someone would hate Superman, I do actually, but what has he done personally against Lex?' She whispered to Hux, his face grim and serious.

"I may be his business partner and his best friend, but I don't know everything Bella. Ask him if you do dare.' He says with a finality that makes Bella want to shut up, in which she does.

They gave each other a lasting nod, this conversation would last in confidentiality for the rest of the days, and Hux knew it was safe to tell this to her.

The information and the act of her knowing was about to be thrown away into the river and never to be remembered again, if not for the opening of the apartment door, and Lex standing right in the door, with his navy-blue polo on. 

"Hux! How great of you to join us for dinner, I made sure to hire the chef of the best Parisian food to come and get us some grub. Now come in, we have a lot to talk about,' Lex said enthusiastically, which Bella would have been excited for, until that dangerous edge appeared, almost as dangerous as his chiseled jawline as Lex clenched his jaw.

He stepped aside from the door, letting them in, but surprisingly, Bella wasn't scared.



it is getting quite intense by my standards but what'll happen though haha we all know how secretive Lex is about his business. 

anyway THANK YOU FOR 2K READS like wowza smol human bean over here loves u all <3

also hux is just the most adorable annoying little shit in my opinion, but i wouldn't have it another way yakno?


ps yall i noticed that chapter six (the smut chapter LMAO) has the most reads aside from the first part.... coincidence? i think not ;) jk hahaha but still no shame <3

x belle

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