Chapter 8

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Russia is such a huge country, with a very vast and diverse culture. Of course I won't tell each tale of where and when I've been to each of the cities in Russia, but I will tell you about my favorite spot in Russia - Saint Petersburg. 

Oh how great and beautiful this port city was. This isn't the largest city in Russia, but well, this is the second largest so I guess that it doesn't even matter. It is located in near the grandiose Nera River. 

Aside from this river, what I've loved about this city is its infrastructure

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Aside from this river, what I've loved about this city is its infrastructure. It's so amazing and awesome.  The Peter and Paul Fortress is an outstanding fortress built to protect the area from possible attacks. Although it was built in around the 1700's, it is still in good shape.

The Summer Palace of Peter or the Grand Peterhof Palace and the Grand Cascade was truly a wonderful sight

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The Summer Palace of Peter or the Grand Peterhof Palace and the Grand Cascade was truly a wonderful sight. I love the peacefulness and the coolness of its design.

 These are just some of the wonderful sights in Russia that you can see and visit for yourself

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 These are just some of the wonderful sights in Russia that you can see and visit for yourself. How I wish that I've stayed longer in each place.

Cronia loved looking at the pictures in the book. There was much more to read, and yet she stopped to just look and savor each picture. How she wishes that she could have been there as well, instead of this vast space desert that she is in. 

She looked at the book, and then looked around her

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She looked at the book, and then looked around her. It's so different. It's so dull and lifeless, and almost dark. 

She took one opened space snack and popped the last part of the piece into her mouth. It has been a day of wandering, and one whole space snack has been eaten. She cut the small bar of space snack into three just to suffice her hunger one part at a time. Then she took one opened water bottle and drank one sip. She doesn't want to chug it all down, even if she really wants to. She knows that it'll be the end of her if she finishes all her water supply. 

"I wonder where I will sleep tonight," she pondered as she looked at the big crescent moon in the sky. She has no sleeping bag or whatsoever, so she tried to look in her bag for a piece of cloth or something. To her surprise, she held on something unfamiliar. It was small back case.

Out of curiosity, she twisted the cap of the case and out went a big sleeping bag

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Out of curiosity, she twisted the cap of the case and out went a big sleeping bag. The small black case turned out to be a portable and lightweight space sleeping kit. 

"I guess mama and papa really thought about this

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"I guess mama and papa really thought about this. They were really worried about leaving me behind sooner and later and have prepared everything that I might need." She looked up into the sky and uttered, "Thanks mama. Thanks papa."

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