chapter six // helpless.

Start from the beginning

"You know something though," Andi says, her own eyes narrowed so she can scan the crowd with precision, "I think Linley and Zayn would be an incredible couple. They look absolutely adorable together."

I burst into a fit of coughs, falling directly off of the fence to land on my hands and knees. I choke on my own gasp and incredulous laughter. Did Andi hit her head or something? Does she not know Linley at all?

My wide eyes turn to give Andi a look full of disbelief. It's as if she doesn't even know who our best friend is. She rolls her eyes at my knack for dramatics and folds her arms stubbornly across her chest, a motion I'm quite used to. 

"What type of drugs did you snort?" I ask, shaking my head in complete horror at the even mere thought of Linley and Zayn in any sort of romantic involvement whatsoever. 

If Linley didn't kill herself first if that happened, I'd surely do her a favor and do it myself. Egotistical members of boy bands are far, far from our types of men. We like boys with actual talent and dignity, not boys who sing frilly songs that others wrote for them.

"Shut up," She grumbles, obviously angry that I'm reacting in such a manner, "I just thought they'd look cute together," She raises her hands in defense. 

Of course I'd never in a million years admit it aloud, but I have to confess that both Zayn Malik and Harry Styles are probably the most attractive boys I've ever met. Their personalities ruin it for themselves, as well do their careers, but if we're basing things solely on their appearances, they're heavenly.

And to be honest, Zayn and Linley do look rather good together. He's tall and lanky with dark, ethnic features; it's like the polar opposite to Linley's small, petite features and pale skin with her platinum blonde hair. The striking differences make them appear very interesting together, in a quite pleasant way.

If I didn't know either of them and I just saw them together, I'd think they were a rather cute couple. 

But of course that is not the case and Zayn Malik is an awful person that isn't coming anywhere close to dating my best friend. Luckily I don't think Linley's opinion differs from mine, so I won't have to be worrying about anything.

I just have to keep Andi and her ridiculous thoughts away from the two of them before she fills their heads with fake feelings and bad ideas. 

"Hey, isn't that him?" Andi shrieks, tearing me from my thoughts, causing my head to snap up in excitement.

And sure enough, I see the familiar red head of our manager walking in, talking away on his cellphone as he always is. I've never been so happy to see him in our entire time working with him; which honestly isn't saying much because most times we're with him, he's yelling at us for some stupid thing we've done or said lately. 

Nathan is a tough guy, which is why he's perfect for our manager. Linley and I have a tendency of letting our tempers get the best of us. So we need someone to kick us into gear once in awhile, to keep us in check. 

He's mean as hell, but he gets shit done. That's all we need. 

"Nathan!" I shout, waving my hands as I run towards him, Andi following closely behind me. 

His tall red head turns around, a confused expression on his face as he scans the crowd for whoever was shouting his name. Andi and I shove our way through the large crowds, earning us a few grumbles of complaints and dirty looks. 

I continue waving my arms around to grasp Nathan's attention, which feels damn-near impossible in this sea of people.

"I gotta go, bye," Nathan says into his phone before shoving it in his pocket the moment I approach him. 

slow it down // zayn malikWhere stories live. Discover now