Chapter 29.

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Hey guys, 

Sorry for the wait. So since I didn't get any comments or votes on the last chapter I probably won't write another story. But I'm determined to finish this one before college starts again. I hope you're still enjoying it. 



*Florence’s POV*

 Finally arrived in London. I love it here already, the sky is cloudy, the streets busy and the people’s endless chatter filled my ears. I checked into the hotel and decided to get some much-needed sleep.

I’m super nervous to be meeting One Direction today. What if I say all the wrong things? What if I make a fool of myself? Or my article turns out crap and I get fired? Breathe Florence, everything will be fine. Right? It better. I already had it all sorted with my editor and their management. I was to follow the ever-famous One Direction around for 3 days and then I was to write about the “true” boys. Not how they show themselves in public. Apparently their management wanted to get rid of a couple of stereotypes surrounding the boys. They thought a young girl their age, like me, would understand them better and be able to portray their personalities more than any of those uptight writers. Well I don’t care how or why or when I just need to write a real article that many people would read and finally get my career started.

I walked into the huge building that apparently they were meeting in right now. I felt really intimidated. Everyone looked so professional and sure of themselves. All the women were wearing sky high heels that I’d probably fall on my face in. The men walked around talking into their Bluetooth headsets while wearing very crisp looking shirts, some were even wearing suits. I felt kind of silly now because I had on a pair of dark grey skinny pants, a white shirt and a black vest. I thought I was dressing formal, but compared to these people I looked like a 13 year old. I nervously made my way to the front desk.

“Umm… Hello? I’m Florence Ducasse, here to interview One Direction?” I cursed myself mentally for posing that as a question. Stupid Florence.

“Oh so you’re the freak girl coming to tag along after them like a lost puppy. Well hunny don’t get our hopes up, none of them would fall for a scrawny little girly girl like you. Go to that elevator and press 2, they should be at the corridor at the end of the hallway,” she snapped in a really nasal voice. I stood there with my mouth wide open. Why was she so mean? She didn’t even know me for God’s sake! And she thought I was going to hook up with one of them, that’s just absurd! I’m here solely for professional purposes. As if anyone from 1D would ever even look at me in that way. Now I just got so much more nervous. What if everyone is nasty like her? I don’t think I can take people being rude to me like that for a couple of days. Anyways, this must be done so I took a deep breath and got off the elevator at the second floor. As I approached the door she told me to go through I hear very loud noises coming from inside.

“What do you mean you’re in Canada? Are you crazy? Just because you don’t have concerts doesn’t mean we don’t have work to do! You know this. Get back here this instant.”

“I see you’ve heard rather than seen Paul, our bodyguard/ tour manager.”

I jumped at the voice coming from right behind me. I turned slowly to see Liam Payne standing there in front of me with a kind smile on his face. I mean I always thought he was cute but damn, this guy has gotten hot in a matter of months!

“Umm.. ya I guess. I’m Florence.” I said as I extended my hand to shake his.


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