Chatper 1-The Fight

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It's as if I'm trapped in a never ending nightmare that I will never be able to control. Feeling all the pain, everyday. Hearing the same degrading remarks made about me. Slowly dying, slowly killing myself.

I walked down the hall, just like any other day, with a smile. Feeling a couple eyes on me, knowing they were staring not for the good reasons. Today, word on the street was that, I hooked up with Samantha, some popular girl's, boyfriend. Even though I didn't, there was no use in trying to defend myself. It never works out anyway.

Suddenly, a blonde girl stands in front of me, blocking my way to my class.

"Excuse me." I said lowly but trying to be polite.

"No, excuse me." She spat, making some body moment closer to me. With a confused look, I realized that she must be Samantha. "Hooking up with other girls' boyfriends?" Cocking an attitude towards me, I looked around as people began to gather around the scene she had just created.

"I didn-"

"Shut up." She cut me off, throwing down my books from my hand.

"But.." I looked down at them, then back up to her eyes "I didn't! I don't even know who he is." I tried to explain before she threw a punch to right cheek, sending my body to the left. Catching my fall, I stood up straight, feeling the pain rush to the right side of my face. My head being to pound.

"Why would he hook up with you?" She seemed to be talking to herself as she stepped closer to me. "Just look at you!" She laughed as others mirrored before she pushed me down on the ground. As my body met the floor in an unpleasant way, she kicked my gut with no hesitation. Air being jolted from my lungs, I tried to cover my face. Then, feeling her throw punches at me, left and right. Finally, I hear a womanly voice call out to stop. Her body then was yanked from mine.

Moments of just laying there in pain passed before I felt another set of hands on me. Filching in fear, I shut my eyes tight.

"It's okay." I heard the voice again. Cracking open my eyes, I see my teacher, Mrs. Hillson.

I was at a lost with words for many reasons, but that didn't seem to matter as she helped me from the ground and grabbed my books for me. "We're gonna call your parents." She said sweetly with a smile.

"No!" I hurried to finally say. She turned her body to me, confused. "That's okay-I'm okay! I have to get to class. But thank you." I grabbed my things and went on my way to History.

After getting home, I hurried to my room to wash up from my earlier situation. I covered my bruises with make up and hide my ripped clothes.

"Julia!" I heard my moms sweet voice fill the house, calling for me.

"Coming!" I fought to say in a decent manner.

Making it down the stairs, painfully, I walked to the dining room for dinner.

Sitting down with her and my stepfather for dinner was an every night kind of thing. They were so in love.

"How was your day, sweetie?" She asked as I was playing with my mashed-potatoes, finding out that it hurt to eat.

"It was good." I lied, never lifting my eyes.

"What did you learn?" My stepfather spoke deeply.

"A lot." I smirked, thinking it was clever.

Soon after dinner, I went up to my room, just like any other night. I opened up my laptop and went on Facebook. I noticed my notifications had been blowing up. Scanning through them, I realized they were commented to a video I was tagged in. The fight.

"She didn't even fight back!"

"What a loser!"

"That's what she gets.."

"You should have hit her harder!"

"Was she ugly before or after you hit her? I can't tell."

"Round 2 soon?"

The list went on as tears built in my eyes. I closed my eyes tightly, along with my laptop. Taking a deep breath, I crawling under my covers, to hopefully muffle my cries.

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