Part 8

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You could not sleep until 4am, because all you could think of was the fact that Neymar would leave you for two weeks again. You understood that he was finally free and could be with his family and friends, but 2 weeks were too long.

You could already imagine all the news talking about him getting a new girl at parties. And you were afraid that, some might even be real, because being 2 days together, could not give you that secure feeling about your relationship.

"You awake?" Neymar suddenly noticed you were not sleeping anymore.


"C'mon we're free today, go back to sleep," he said as he put his arm around you and closed his eyes.

You didn't say anything, just forced a smile and tried to fall back to sleep, even if it was morning already.

Finally, after another two hours Neymar woke up. You were just half-asleep and were tired of not sleeping, but you didn't want to say anything to Neymar.

"I'll bring my girlfriend breakfast" he smiled and walked out of the bed.

While he was making you something to eat, Davi walked inside and got on your bed.

"Morning Davi" you smiled and he laid next to you in your arms, still sleepy.

"Morning" he murmured and then again rolled closer to you.

"Omg what is this cake?" Neymar walked inside the room.

"Pai! Don't eat it!" Davi suddenly jumped on the bed.

"Well it's a gift we made yesterday for our champion," you said and Neymar smile, putting the cake on a little table, then ran to get forks and plates.

"I am so lucky to have you two, thank you meu amours" he said as he came back and leaned closer to each of you, placing a kiss.

Then he cut the cake and you all started eating together, talking about last night cooking and Neymar was telling about the parade. Speaking of, he walked to get an aspirin meanwhile, because of his hangover.

When you finished eating, you decided to enjoy this day together, all three of you and have fun. Yet somehow, you could not enjoy it much, because you knew he would leave tomorrow. Both of them. Again.

You were playing FIFA together, watching movies on the sofa all three cuddling. Then ordered pizza, because it had to be a full lazy day, no cooking.

While you were with Davi in your arms, Neymar decided to Instagram you two. He took a photo, and then posted it,

"Lazy day! No better way to spend it, than with these two <3"

You similed as you noticed the description and kissed him.

"Okay, since we are leaving tomorrow. I'll take you out." Neymar said and told you to get ready.

When you walked out the house, you decided to go take a walk around the city. It was nice; Neymar was holding your hand, while Davi was on the other side holding his, when he was not running in front of you.

This time you were the one, who decided to post a photo on Instagram. It was a photo of Neymar holding Davi in his arms.

"Last days with my boys : ( "

You and Neymar didn't have to bother to hide your relationship, since it was crystal clear you two were together from the moment he kissed you at the final of Champions league. You did not bother much reading different comments; some were mean some were nice.

Also while you were out, there were fans asking to get pictures with Neymar, while you and Davi waited for your famous footballer to get back to you and go back home.

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