Chapter 27

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I never knew that there could be so much noise in one place. The anthem blares as the crowd goes wild. Caesar Flickerman says his greetings to the audience and I find myself tapping my foot in anticipation. I wish they would hurry so I could reunite with my true love, my soon to be wife, the person I can spend the rest of my life with, for real this time.

"And now for this years victors. The star-crossed lovers from District Twelve, Katnidd Everdeen and Peeta Mellark!"

The crowd screams, but my heart is beeing too loud in my chest for me to hear them. I walk calmly out at first, but one look at my beautiful fiancèe in a radiant yellow dress makes me break into a run. We both crash into each other at the middle of the stage. We clong to each other, never feeling this happy before. At least, not in a long time. "I love you so, so much." I whisper and start to kiss her. After a fe minutes have passed, Caesar taps on my shoulder. I playfully push him aside and don't break our kiss. The audience goes crazy again.

Finally, Haymitch gives us a good natured push toward the victor's chair. Chair isn't the right word. It is originally one, but this time it's a couch big enough for the two of us.

I sit down gently. Katniss kicks iff hrr sandles and practically lays down, resting her head on my shoukder and snuggling into my sode. I wrap my arm around her hand kiss her hair.

Caesar starts off with a few jokes and them jumps right into the main event, which happens to be a recap of the Games; a highlight of our living Hell.

As soon as the lights dim, Katniss grabs my empty hand in both of hers and hides her face in my side.

After the showing of the horrid Games, I see something else. Something I didn't know happened. Katniss crying and desperately trying to get to me while I was being operated on. It breaks my heart, but lets me know just how much she loves me.

The anthem plays again as President Snow himself walks on stage, followed by who I think is his young granddaughter. She's maybe six, and even for a Capitol citizen, she's adorable. She reminds me, once again, of how badly I want to have kids. Maybe now I can. The only hurdle is getting Katniss to agree. Okay, maybe this will be harder than I thought.

Snow only holds one crown. The crowd goes completely berserk trying to figure out whose head it will rest on. Snow snaps it in half without much effort. He places the first one on my forehead with a smile. Even looking the beat he can, he can't hide the evil, snake like appearance that he always has. How can the people in the Capitol be so oblivious to this? Are they just used to it, or too blind to see it over their expensive treasures? Maybe they know, but don't care.

He still smiles as he places Katniss's half on her head. I have to force myself to remain calm and not to push him away from her. I don't want him anywhere near her. Not when he can give death with a flick of his wrist.

The waving that follows almost makes me want to cut off my hand too, just so I never have to wave again. After a lifetime, Caesar bids the audience goodnight and reminds them to watch tomorrow's final interview. As if they had a choice.

Katniss and I are ushered to the President's Mansion for the Victory Banquet, where we hardly get to eat at all. The whole thing is pretty much a bunch of sponsors pushing each other out of the way to get their picture with us. I never let go of Katniss's hand and pray that I don't have food on my face.

Dawn just begins to break as we make it back to the Penthouse. I think that I finally get some time alone with my fiancée, when Haymitch send her off with Cinna to get fitted for our next interview. He then personally escorts me to my door.

"Why can't I talk to her?" I ask.

"Plenty of time to talk when we get home, new neighbor." He grumbles, referring to our chat back in the cave. "Go to bed. You're on air at two."

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