Chapter 8

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Tomorrow is thanks giving, I love thanks giving. It's like the only holiday where you can eat as much as you want and not be judged, which is good for me because I'm greedy.

It's also nice because I get to be around my family, most of which I like. Another exciting thing is that there's only one more month until my birthday. I'm so hype I can't believe I'm going to be 20. But since there's only a month until my birthday, there is less than a month for me to decide whether or not I want to visit Mikey for my birthday. That's one of the down sides to having a birthday near Christmas, flights are always booked and traveling is crazy.

I should probably call Mikey, I feel like it's been forever since I talked to him. I grabbed my laptop and started to Skype him.

"Hey beautiful" Michael smiled. He looked so good, he wasn't wearing a shirt and it looked like he had just gotten out of the shower because his hair seemed to be wet. The sun was hitting his face perfectly and, he just looked amazing.

"Hi Mike" I said trying to hide my blush

"Oh wow, you're beautiful and I'm just Mike?"

"I'm sorry, would you like to be beautiful too? Hi beautiful." I laughed

"Thank you, that makes me feel much better."

I love his sense of humor, and the fact that he gets mine and puts up with all of my sarcasm.

"What are you doing?"

"Getting ready to have lunch with my mom. How about you?"

"Aww that's so cute, you're spending time with your mom. And due to the fact that it is nearly 1 a.m. here, I'm laying down."

"Oh cool, sounds fun"

"I know right."

"Well what are you going to do when you wake up?"

"When I wake up I have to cook. Today is thanks giving in America." I reminded him

"Oh yeah. What exactly does that mean, like what do you do?"

"Well the name is pretty self explanatory, you spend time with loved ones and give thanks. But it started with the pilgrims and Native Americans and all that drama, but of course through out history the story got twisted and the real roots are pretty bad but my family just uses it as a time to be together, not so much for the true history of it."

"Oh ok"

"Yup, so..."

"So.... Have you been thinking about coming down here?"

"Yeah I have."

"What do you think about it?"

"I don't have a definite answer yet but there's a very strong possibility that I'm coming."

As soon as I said that a huge grin appeared on his face. I hope he realizes that there's still a chance of me not coming.

"Yes! I'm so happy to hear that. I really miss you."

"I know I miss you too. If I come down there what kind of stuff can we do?"

"Honestly I don't know, I feel like I'm the most boring person to show you around. I barely go anywhere around here, all I ever do is sit in the house and play games. That's why I started dying my hair, out of pure boredom."

"Oh, but that's okay because I really just want to see you. And maybe I'll dye my hair too."

"But if you come all this way I want to make it worth it, you showed me all the things you loved about your city and I want to do the same."

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