【Chapter Seven】

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*Kenny's P.O.V.*

I hate castles, especially the one that belonged to Lucifer. While the gates of hell itself had always been guarded by that stupid three headed dog whose name I keep forgetting - I think it was Cerbes or Cerberus or something - his residence was located on an island like area surrounded by lava from every direction. The only way to get there was to literally swim through fire. Then after that, you had to fend off a dozen gargoyles. How much more dramatic could one person get? Well, I mentally asked myself for you too soon.

Lucifer was a very theatrical creature.

After you manage to get into the first building, you have to be careful not to set off any traps. When I say traps, I mean like Ancient Egyptian Pyramid status. Hidden holes, curses, falling rocks, head wires.. All that bullshit normal people wouldn't bother with in this century with all of our technology. Sometimes I'll miscalculate the next trap and get my head chopped off or something of the like, and the amount of pain that comes with that is unimaginable to those who have never experienced such a thing. So pretty much anyone who's alive.

I finally came across a spiral staircase and took a deep breath, starting my trip up the seemingly endless flight of steps until reaching the top. I had already done so much walking, gotten burned to the bone and avoided as many traps as I could. Every part of my body was scorched, the skin peeling and withering. I mean every part of my body. Hell sucks.

Arriving at the very top of the stairs I came face to face with an enormous red door that practically reached all the way to the ceiling. I sighed and pressed all of my weight against it. When nothing moved, I backed up a little bit and rushed toward it with everything I had. But just as I was about to ram my body against the wood, it creaked open and I found myself tumbling to the carpet leading to Lucifer's throne. After regaining the little strength I had left, I pulled myself from my laying position and didn't even bother to look around the room. I'd been through this a million times. Instead, I focused my eyes onto that thing sitting in its chair. It stared at me with dead eyes, it's disgusting scales brushing against his seat while one leg was crossed over the other. The only thing he wore was a shredded and dirtied toga. He always  made me feel like I was going to puke.

"Kenneth," hissed the creature.

"Lucifer," I responded. He chuckled darkly and I stayed by the door, now sitting as I didn't have the strength to get to my feet.

"What happened this time?" asked Lucifer, getting up from his throne and taking long strides toward me. "Fall off a cliff? Bashed in head? Burned to death? Or perhaps even murdered?"

"Try struck by a vehicle," I told him. He frowned at this and bent down so that we were eye level before poking my forehead with the sharpened claw of his index finger.

Then he grinned. "How boring," he stated before using his middle finger to poke at my eyeball. He took his index finger away from my forehead and blinded me by sticking his nails into the orbits of my eyes. I screamed out in pain because no matter how often I went through this same routine it always got to me. The torture always hurt. Everything hurts. "Be gone," he suddenly said, clutching my head by the eyes and using that to toss me aside. Just like that, I fell unconscious.

And when I awoke, my sight returned to me and I found myself in the 'comfort' of my room yet again. It was morning, but I had no clue as to what day it was.

■ ■ ■

The next time I saw Butters was during lunch hour on Monday, and upon looking at him I could tell that he was extremely tired and maybe even a little bit depressed. But then he spotted me as well, and his entire demeanor drastically changed. After seeing me, he had basically tackled me into a squeeze hug with such a strength I never knew he was even capable of. The arms that wrapped around my body was so unexpected and unusual that at first I had no clue as to how I was supposed to react. Was I supposed to ruffle his hair? Pull him close? How long do hugs normally last, anyway?

"Oh, Ken! I only got a wink of sleep these couple of nights!" he told me, sounding as if on the brink of tears. "I k-kept dreaming you died a-and that it was all my f-f-fault!"

I frowned. How come no one remembers?!

"I'm alive, Butters," I told him, allowing myself to bring him closer in what I hoped to be a warm embrace. He just buried his face into my shoulder, making it hard for me to make out whether or not he was actually crying.

He took two deep breaths before stepping away from me. His eyes were watery, but he hadn't allowed them to fall. "I-It just seemed so.." he paused, not taking his eyes off of my face. "Real.."

Maybe that's because it was real.

"Don't worry about it," I told him with a smile. Then I felt someone poke my back and turned around to face Cartman.

"Hey, fags," he greeted.

"Hello there, Eric!" grinned Butters, looking as if he felt a lot better. "How was your weekend?"

Cartman rolled his eyes, "I'm not here to talk to you, Butters. I'm here to talk to Kenny. Come with me!"

I raised an eyebrow, then turned and said goodbye to Butters before following Cartman down the hallway. What could he possibly want to say to me, anyway?

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