【Chapter Two】

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Forcing someone to fall in love isn't easy - and it sure as Hell isn't right. Then again, what even are morals? It's not as if that word was printed into my vocabulary, so it obviously can't be that important of a subject. All I needed to do was keep my mind on the cash, then I wouldn't have to feel guilty about anything. After all, people are people and that's all they'll ever be. The emotions they harbor are the ones they make up for themselves, no one else can make them feel anything. While I do agree that money can't buy love or happiness, it does take a load off your shoulders. And man would I love to get rid of my load.

The first step to this whole thing was to get on a more 'emotional' level with the boy. I needed to talk to him more, which shouldn't be too hard. Him and I are already friendly with each other, so all I really had to do was walk up to him during school and strike up conversation. For him to like me in a romantic way, would I have to act differently toward him? If he wasn't already falling for me because of who I was, then I would definitely have to change some things about my personality.

I took a deep breath and decided to worry about it when the time came for me to actually talk to him. Which would be in about half an hour when class finally ended. Thirty minutes is a long time when you're sitting on an uncomfortable chair staring at an old man talking a bunch of nonsense that won't help anyone in the future.

"Psst," I heard a voice from next to me. I knew exactly who it was, so I completely ignored him. "Psssssst!"

His voice was starting to get annoying, and he was so loud that I wasn't sure how the teacher hadn't heard him as of yet. Still, my gaze was concentrated on the teacher. "Kennnyyyy! Psssssssssssssst!" Finally, I tore my eyes away from the front of the room and looked at Cartman. He grinned approvingly when I finally gave him my attention, "I'm going to make this more interesting," he said. I raised an eyebrow at this. "You've got two months to break his heart. If you can't do it, you owe me a hundred dollars!"

This was something I hadn't signed up for, "Dude, we agreed on-"

"I know, but this way it's a lot more fun," he winked. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Where are you even getting this money?" I asked, looking at him. It had always come as somewhat of a surprise to me that Eric Cartman could conjure up so much cash in such short notice.

Cartman crossed his arms and shook his head, "Kenny, Kenny, Kenny. I'm a business man, do not question me any further!" I rolled my eyes.

"I can't pay you-"

"Eric! Kenneth! I'd appreciate it if you two would stop disrupting my lecture," interrupted the teacher. I turned back to him, mumbling a quiet profanity under my breath. Luckily, no one heard me and halfway through the rest of his blabbering, the bell rang. "Remember about the homework, class! The rest of it's online." I mentally rolled my eyes at this, grabbing my backpack and walking out of the classroom. Not everyone had computers, you know.

Cartman caught up with me halfway down the hall, panting a bit. I glanced at him and raised an eyebrow. He grinned evilly back at me and together we walked into the cafeteria in silence.

There, in the corner of the room sitting all by himself, was Butters writing in some sort of notebook.

"Make your move, slut," whispered Cartman, nudging me forward.

"Damn it, Cartman, I know what I'm doing," I told him. I took a deep breath and walked forward.

Inching closer I noticed that he was drawing rather than writing anything. I couldn't see exactly what it was, but there were no colors to it yet. Only graphite smudged around on the piece of paper. He didn't notice me until I actually sat down across from him. His eyes quickly turned to me, seeming startled by the presence of another person. Upon seeing it was only me, he smiled.

"Oh, hey Kenny!" he greeted.

"Hey Butters," I responded. What was I supposed to say? What did Butters and I usually talk about? "What were you drawing?"

He gives me a somewhat confused look before realization strikes his appearance and he slides his notebook over to me with a grin, "It's just a silly garden." I looked at it, now getting a much better view of the art itself. It wasn't much, just a lot of flowers in front of some sort of small country house. It was pretty perfect, though it didn't come as much of a surprise. Even since fourth grade he's been an exceptional artist.

"It's really good," I said, giving it back to him.

Butters' face lit up in joy and his eyes widened, "Oh, golly! That means a lot to me!"

I nodded and smiled over at him. Then everything came falling onto my head so quickly and unexpectedly that I swear I nearly fell off that bench. The big question that proposes an even bigger problem had finally dug it's way into my brain.. What was Butters' sexuality?

"Kenny? Something the matter?" questioned Butters, sincere worry gleaming form his big baby blue orbs. It was then that I realized my expression must have changed, but my hood was up and the scarf I replaced the rest of my hood with was tied tightly to my lips and nose. So how was it that he could tell so easily my change in mood?

I shook my head slightly, and though he smiled at this it was easy to tell that he didn't fully believe me. I watched as he packed up his papers, then turned back to me shyly.

"Gee, I don't mean to sound rude or nothing, Ken.. But why are you here?" Butters bit his lip gently and rubbed his knuckles together. His head was lowered, but he still looked up at me between thick lashes and pale blonde strands of hair.

I leaned in closer over the table to get a better look at this boy. Of course, he wasn't joking. "Come on, Buttercup! Don't be so timid. We're friends, aren't we?"

A small close-lipped grin placed itself on to his features and he pulled his hands apart, scratching at the back of his head, "W-well, yeah! You're the closest friend I've got!"

"So why would I need a reason to talk to you?" I asked.

"You're right," Butters shrugged and chuckled a bit, "I'm-I'm just being stupid.."

I frowned, then leaned back to get more comfortable, "Hey, why don't we hang out after school or something?"  

"I'd love to, Ken, it's just..." he trailed off and averted his gaze, body language screaming 'I'm uncomfortable,'  "I'm grounded, so I can't have friends over or hang out with anyone. Sorry.."

I rolled my eyes at this, "Your parents ground you way too often, dude."

"It's my own fault," Butters objected. "If I wasn't such a gosh darn misfit, I wouldn't be in trouble all the time." 

I stared at him, feeling nothing but sympathy for this poor kid. His parents were always so strict, it was a wonder that Butters really wasn't a rebel. I know I'd turn against my parents if they always grounded me like that.

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