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Contrary to popular belief, a wolf may not recognize it's mate at their first meeting. In many cases, the two wolves in question will feel a pull, but not strong enough for them to piece together the connection. In Sehun and Luhan's case, however, this was not the case. The moment the two boys had locked eyes, they felt the strong electrical current run through them. The smaller's dark brown eyes turning to Alpha red, and the lanky brunette's midnight black eyes slipping into an intense Omega gold.

The tall omega turned away, as if it were shameful to look at his mate. The two boys next to him looked back and forth in shock. Just as the Alpha moved to step closer to his mate, the omega broke into a run. The alpha chased after the bigger boy, quickly gaining speed on him and tackling the omega.

The alpha grinned, "Hey there. I'm Luhan"

The omega turned his face away, " Sehun."

That's how they ended up in the small hole-in-the-wall cafe, seated across from each other with no interaction. Their friends had seated themselves a table away, chatting and laughing. The omega, Sehun, stared off into space with a bored, almost angry look on his face. The alpha, Luhan, seem to burn a hole into the omega's face with the way he was staring. Luhan placed his hand on top of the omega's, smiling. This caused the omega to look towards him.

"Uhm..so..Sehun-sshi. Tell me about you."

Sehun stood up abruptly, "I have to go."

"Wait!" ,Luhan grabbed his hand, "How..how can I contact you?"

Sehun had looked at him with a hint of fear in his eyes, "Don't."

"What? B-but you're my..mate..."

Sehun looked away, "I'm not..I can't..I don't..."

The tall boy turned away and hastily made his way out of the cafe. Luhan didn't bother to chase after him.


The next time Luhan met Sehun, they weren't alone. Earlier in the day, his friends had called him and invited him to hang out. He thought, what the hell, cleaned himself up, and went out to meet up with them. He hadn't realized that they left out a few important details, like the fact that it wasn't just them. He hadn't recognized the two new faces at first. That's when he came up behind them. His omega's stoic features faltered for a moment, his shocked expression telling him that he didn't know Luhan was going to be there either.

The omega's friends bowed slightly, introducing themselves as Do Kyungsoo and Kim Jongin. The smaller, Kyungsoo, was obviously an omega. The bite mark on his neck and the gold omega mark on his arm told Luhan that the smol wolf was mated. His hands were linked to Jongin's and he assumed that the tan boy was Kyungsoo's alpha.

His friends, Alexis and Yixing, introduced themselves to Sehun, who merely gave them a nod. Alexis was a single, unmated beta. She had long brown hair and her eyes were lined perfectly. She nudged Luhan a bit, "A talkative one, your mate." On his other side Yixing chuckled. Yixing was an angel. He had soft features and the cutest dimples. He was a bit forgetful sometimes, but he was kindhearted and sweet. He too, was unmated, but in a relationship with the beta Kim Joonmyun.

Sehun had a sort of regal air to him. He stood strong and looked almighty. If it weren't for his scent or the dull grey omega mark on his hand, you would never known Sehun was an omega. When Sehun had got up to use the restroom, Kyungsoo smiled sheepishly at the group, "Sorry..Hunnie isn't usually like this..." Jongin nodded, "It's just that meeting you," he pointed at Luhan, "is kind of..."

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