In Which Ushijima Relents

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Okay, so it's been a while.

A really, really long while.

I need to get back into the swing of things so if you'd please not be to harsh in judging this chapter and my cringe worthy writing, I'd very much appreciated it!


(I have more to say at the end, don't worry, I'm acknowledging my horribleness in updating.)


At first, awkward silent conquered the majority of Takeru and Ushijima's social interaction on the train ride.

The train itself was loud and crowded and over all like any other train Takeru had been in during her life, but the thick, menacing silence that dominated over herself and Ushijima was perhaps unlike anything she had ever experienced before. Maybe it was because the two of them were worn out from competing, or maybe it was headache inducing loudness or maybe it was the fact they were so close together that practically all of their sides were touching each other.

The last one was probably it.

Takeru was squished against the end, Ushijima was squished against her, and so on and so forth for entirety of the train. It made for a rather awkward situation to begin with, and even a social wiz like Takeru couldn't even start thinking about how she was going to dial down the weirdness.


All she received was a huff, and the slight twist of his upper body her way as a response. Well, at least she knew he was listening to her.

"How did you guys do?" She says quietly, knowing that they were close and despite the cacophony, he would still be able to hear her.

"Well." He replies briskly, his large hands clenching at each other. "We didn't lose a single game-or a single set-to anyone."

Takeru hummed, rolling her ankles and watching to avoid eye contact.

"Hmm. Sounds nice."

A beat.

"It was." Her acquaintance responded blandly.

Again, an insufferable wave of awkwardness enveloped the two, and Takeru internally screamed. She focused her attention in her hands, expecting silence and tension for the rest of the train ride.

"How..." Ushijima cleared his throat, and Takeru's head snapped up, just missing Ushijima's chin in the process, eyes wild in suprise. "How was your...swimming? Your, uh, swim meet, or whatever."

The auburnette chuckled, cheeks flushed and grinned at him, trying to shake off the lack of space in between the two of them.

"It was great! I usually do alright at most of my meets, but it's usually when everything's on the line that I really kick into gear!" She juts her fist out, furrowing her eyebrows and pouting out her lips for a faux intense expression. Takeru lets the expression fade, a pleasant smile replacing it as she folded her hands on her lap. "But I think I did awesome in that last event today 'cause you were watching, y'know? I always do better when I have friends watching." Takeru hummed, tilted her head at Ushijima, expected a dry, brutal retort of the two of them being merely acquaintances, nothing like friends, but is pleasantly surprised by the fact that he says silent.

To już koniec opublikowanych części.

⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Mar 16, 2017 ⏰

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