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Takeru knew that she was supposed to go find her dearest black coffee loving giant, but she assumed that she could spend just a few more minutes watching the Karasuno volleyball team play against the apparently very famous Datekougyou Technical High School. She honestly didn't know anything about strong schools within the high school volleyball circuit, so whether of not the team going against Karasuno was good or not didn't really matter to her.

All she knew was that she wanted that ginger shortie to win against the irritatingly tall, eyebrow less giant.

Takeru had a long standing grudge (and begrudging fondness) against (and of) tall people with weird eyebrows.

Therefore, it was essential that all giants she didn't know be crush.

And so the auburn haired girl sat on the edge of her seat as she stared on at the intense atmosphere, focusing all her attention on the little ways the Karasuno volleyball team faced their rather immense opponent. Whether it was how their setter flicked his fingers, to how this one shortie (who was the only one with an orange uniform) chased for the ball with all he had.

Takeru would have definitely been lying if she were to say their performance wasn't rather memorizing.

She was glued to her seat in a way.

But that awe and wonder would melt away at the sound of the ball dropping to the floor.

It was like a slap in the face whenever she saw the ball ominously rolling and rolling and rolling...

Takeru gripped her hair as she silently screamed at another spike blocked by Mr. Datekyou Giant .


Takeru internally wept at the lack of emotion on his face (and also at his height), and clicked her tongue with furious intent as she turned away from the court with a huff.

She then heard the slamming sound of a volleyball, and her head snapped back just in time to see her ginger enemy let out a cry of victory.


Takeru pumped her fist ecstatically as her eyes followed the energetic redhead, grinning at his success.


The auburn haired shortie smacked her own cheeks.

"I'm here to cheer on Ushijima-san, I'm here to cheer on Ushijima-san, I'm here to-"

The other Karasuno shortie (the one with the orange uniform) received a ball with his foot.

Takeru promptly screeched out incoherent blathering of gibberish to herself as she waved her hands around like an idiot.

'Woah! Woah! That guy actually just did that! He actually did it! That's so freaking boss-I just CAN'T-!'

The Shiatorizawa Swim Team Captain slapped her cheeks gentle before begrudgingly taking to her feet.

'If I stay here any longer, I definitely won't be able to leave. Which would be a pain. 'Cause Mei-chan would kill me. Violently.'

With a longing look towards the volleyball court, Takeru sulked away, hanging her head in a rather depressing manner as she exited the stands through the door that stood at the top of all those (very very tiring) stairs.

Takeru rounded the corner (well, she tried to round the corner, at least), and her face went 'Splat!' against a wall.

She had turned too soon, apparently.

"Dammit-" Takeru mutter as she clutched her newly reddened nose, her mood taking a sharp turn south as she felt a particular sticky liquid on her fingers.

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