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After the Friars got back home they decided to watch a movie and relax when they got a phone call from the school saying " we are having a teacher/student/parent meeting tonight at the school tonight because school starts in two weeks ( i dont remember what month it was so i just made it August)" " ok see you there ms_______ ( comment a name for the principal first name to be commented is her name)" " bye" The lady hung up and Maya walked back into the living room and said " well i guess we dont have get to rest i will call Vanesa to see if she can watch the boys while we talk Piper and Carter to the school." Lucas said " i will call you get the girls ready but first we go out for lunch." They piled into the car to go to what a burger ( i had it when i went to Texas i don't know it)
They Friar family got back home Ashton was sleeping and Mason was dosing on Maya's shoulder " mommy mommy mommy i am going to be second grade and Carter is going to be in Kindergarten." Piper squealed " yeah baby girl you are lets go get you girls ready while daddy calls aunt Vanesa to see if she can watch Ash and Mason." The three girls walk upstairs " mommy can we all match." Asked Carter " ya" piper added " of course "  they whore mint green skinny jeans with orange sandals and bracelet with a white three quarter sleeve sweater  with black Aztec  designs with a orange scarf and their hair in Dutch braids ( pic of the outfit at the top). They all walked down the stairs and Lucas said " wow my three beautiful girls." He picked up Cater in one arm and Piper in the other and kissed Maya on the cheek then the girls on the forehead " oh i almost forget Vanesa should be here any minute to pick up the boys i told her that we already ate and Zay is taking their kids to the thing i got to go get ready." Lucas  informed Maya nodded and helped the girls get their shoes on she grabbed Ashton and started playing with him and Mason joined then Cater lastly Piper joined because she was trying not to wrinkle her clothes  five minutes later Vanesa came and got the kids Maya said "i love you both be good see you later." She kissed their foreheads " ok mommy we love you too." Mason said and waved bye and Aston did a baby wave and giggle five minutes after Vanesa leaves Lucas comes down and says " ready?" " yeah lets go" Maya replied they got into the car Lucas grabbed Maya's and kissed because she was nervous " its ok honey." He mumbled


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