Mommy! Daddy!

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Its been a week since Ashton was born Piper loves helping so does Carter and Mason just whines because his brother cant back him up when the girls want to give him makeovers. One sunny afternoon in the end of July. A knock was heard on the door the kids were outside in the swimming pool with Lucas so Maya answered the door with a sleeping baby in her arms "Hello how may i help you please come in." Maya says in a polite voice Maya is wearing jeans and a short sleeve shirt that looks splatter painted " hello i am with the department of adoptive children investor gators ( i think i made that up but if someone did before or it is a real thing i don't own it)  may we come in and speak to your kids and your husband?" The lady asked "Umm ya of course come in make yourselves at home my husband Lucas and our kids are in the back yard i will be right back." Maya walks out side after leading the guest to the living room " Lucas hone you and the kids need to come up here we have company." Maya calls from the porch Lucas and the kids walk into the living room with Maya in front " excuse me i need to go put my baby in his crib." Maya swifty walks up the stairs kisses Ash's forehead and quickly walks back down the stairs " so kids how do you parents take care of you." The older lady of the two asks " Mommy lets us help with dinner and we make crafts we go to the park with Mommy and Daddy people always say they cant raise us kids because they are not very old but we have really nice clothes well thats what Piper says they even asked us if we wanted to move to Texas. We help with Ashton our little brother, Mommy and Daddy don't make us we can watch reallt good movies like cars and the good dinosaur ( i dont own those movies) we hang out with our friends and we are going to see our family in new York over thanksgiving." Mason explained  Piper shook because she was freezing "Lucas will you go help get the kids changed into warmer clothes then send them down here and go change yourself  because i  dont want you guys to freeze." Maya ordered they all went upstairs the younger lady said " we will get back to you on if you can keep Piper Cater and Mason your chances look good but who knows what these head people will say have a good day." And with that they walked out the door

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