Dorm Room 2

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It was a Saturday afternoon and you were siting across from Dylan. You two had purchased a bean bag set to make your dorm room look more "hip". You had been living with him for a whole three months now and your emotions were in full force. You were on your period. Dylan would often try and help you/avoid you by giving you space. He did do extremely sweet things for you like adding tampons and chocolate to the grocery list and giving you back massages when you had pain. This made you like Dylan even more. Your friend from your economics class told you that she would feel the sexual tension between you too and she could see how in love he was with you, but you didn't see it.

"So everything good with your.., you know?" Dylan asked wearily.

"You mean my period? And yes it's fine."

"Okay it's just I woke up today with a stain on my bed and I didn't know how to tell you so I just cleaned it while you were gone."

Yes, you still slept with Dylan every night. It was something you both looked forward too. He just enjoyed having someone to hold, while you liked the intimacy of the whole thing. You guys moved the other bed to the wall so it turned into a couch. When Dylan had his obnoxious friends over, they would always ask why the beds were so far apart and he would always make up an excuse, letting your sleeping arrangements be your secret.

You were so mortified right now, you were sure your face turned red."Oh my god Dylan I'm so sorry. I'll buy you new sheets."

"It's fine y/n, but if it was anyone else, they would be in big trouble." His statement warmed your heart.

The next night, you were getting dressed in your pyjamas, which was mostly shorts and a shirt.

"Y/n are you coming."

"Yeah just a sec." Deciding to be brave you decided to wear a lacy, almost sheer  night gown you owned, but never wore. You wanted to change Dylan's perspective of you. You walked out of the bathroom, with full confidence, hoping Dylan won't do anything drastic. Dylan's face was great. He looked shocked, yet you could see the lust in his eyes.

You laid down beside Dylan, waiting for him to say something. He just wraps around you, making you the little spoon. You could feel him from your backside.

"So what's up with the sexy night gown." He whispered to you.

"Just wanted to explore different options of clothes to sleep in."

"Is that right."

"Yup I think this ones my favourite." You said while snuggling in him some more.

It had been around ten minutes and both of you were not sleeping. Dylan couldn't help, but feel excited and you couldn't sleep because of it.

"Dylan go to the bathroom or something, cause I can't sleep with something poking me while I sleep." You said annoyed, but you secretly enjoyed this.

"Why did you have to wear that night gown anyways, Do you know how much I want to kiss you right now?"

"Do it." You challenged him.

"Fine!" He said and leaned it. You shared a tender kiss, that was getting more and more hot by the second. Between kissing you he said "Three months I liked you and had to put up with you teasing me all the time."

"I am no tease." You denied while kissing his neck.

"This night gown isn't helping your case." He kissed you again.

You broke the kiss and said,"sorry for making the first move."

"Don't be sorry babe, it was worth it." You both paused and looked at each other intensely.

"What are we doing?" You and Dylan sat up.

"Making out?"

"I'm being serious here, are we going to have a relation ship or just be friends with benefits because we have to live with each other for four years and we all know that when it comes to FWB someone always gets hurt."

Dylan looked at you, with more that just, lustful eyes, but with a warm smile on his face and asked, "Y/n, will you go on a date with me?"

"Gladly!" You smiled, leaning in to kiss him again.

It turns out your friend was right and that Dylan was completely and utterly in love with you, but you felt the exact same way about him. Because everyone knew you were dating, you guys decided to push the beds together no longer ashamed of letting people know that you guys cuddle together every night. And that night gown, let's just say you bought two more in different colours, just to make Dylan go crazy, but he somehow managed to get you back. Going to university in different country was defiantly the best choice you have ever made.


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