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Hello!!! This will be the(maybe) final short story, and is the probably the I love the most. It's between our characters Nick and Kat. Honestly Nick is the cutest shit. We can't even, even when we're an even number of people. But I digress. Taylor made the picspam, obviously because it's good. I hope you enjoy, and if you would like more of our characters or more back story, leave a comment!



Nick's PoV

I'm glad I didn't hit a stop light next to an officer. Being my girlfriend was blindfolded with an eye mask for sleeping, it might raise some suspicion. But it wasn't what it looked like. I just didn't want her to see the location of our date before we got there. I wanted it to be a surprise. But she's been guessing the ride there.

"It it the movies?" she asked. Then I said no.

"How about the park?" The answer was no there too.

"It has to be Olive Garden then!"

"It isn't, Kat." I said, driving into the parking lot.

"Is it a concert?" she quizzed.

"You'd probably hear the fans if it was." I parked the car close to the entrance. Not many people were there, which was okay with me.

"oh, we're here already?" Kat unbuckled her seat belt. I walked out and opened the door for her. I grabbed her hand and guided her to the front.

"Is it a bowling alley?" She seemed out of ideas at this point.

"No. But you will be getting a different type of shoes here." I said, taking off her eye mask. She looked up at the sign saying Atlantis in big bright lights, under it saying 'Ice Rink'.

"Oh no." Were the first words out of her mouth. My face fell a bit.

"Do you not like it...?"

"I don't hate it, but I wasn't expecting this."

"I'm sorry... We can just go to the pizza place across the road if you want...

"No!!!" She looked up at me. "It's not that I don't like skating!! It's just... I can't. I have the balance of a new born deer."

I laughed at her analogy. "Well I'll make sure you don't fall! I'm really good at this sort of thing..."


"Yeah!! I come here almost every day! It's kind of lame, I guess..."

"No, I like it. It's different." She smiled, taking my hand. "Let's hope I can get that bar thing for balance."

"Those are for kids, Kat."

"I'm not an adult yet, I'm nineteen, not nineadult."

"Well we can try to ask for one." I stated.

But the person behind the counter didn't believe the story we had a little cousin in the bathroom and we were getting it for them. It was going to work, but then we mixed up the gender and they saw through us.

"I didn't know the cousin was a boy!!!" I stated repeatedly as we put on our ice skates.

"I thought it was obvious, but it's okay. The wall will keep me from embarrassing myself on the rink."

"I'll be your wall."

"I'd make us both fall. God damn, these ice skates are so tight! I feel like its cutting off circulation to my ankle..." She commented, half way up on the laces. I finished tying mine up a minute before. "And these laces are stupid!!"

"Need help, dear?"

"Please." She put her foot on my leg and i quickly laced them up, used to how they designed the loops by now. I got her up and we walked to the rink, Kat tripping a bit along the way. We got on the ice, Kat hugging the wall, slipping a bit. I held her waist, helping her stand without slipping. She still held the wall like a life line.

"Staying glued to the wall won't help you."

"It's helping me not fall on my ass, Nick.

"True. But I can help more than the wall. Just take my hand." I held it out. Slowly, she took it and I took a small glide forward, dragging her with me. She almost screamed, wobbling and shaking.

"Wall, wall, I need the wall!!!" she sputtered out.

"Just relax." I held her hand, placing my free hand on her waist, She balanced herself quicker than last time. "Now just hold on to my hand, and you'll be okay." I kicked off slow, getting her about a quarter of nthe way around the rink, her still wobbling. It was similar through the first lap around. Slowly, her wobbling was getting less bad. She seemed to be trying to mimic my feet.

"How can you do this so well?" She asked me.

"I've been doing this for a long time."

"Since when?"

"Eight. Give or take."

"Seriously?" She looked kind of shocked.

"Yeah. I would go here when my mom would have one of her 'why did i have you' phases. The lady let me stay a bit after closing and she'd help me with the basics. Mainly about balance and some cool moves."

"What, pray tell, are these 'moves?'" She used her free hand to do the quotation.

I guided her to the wall. "Wanna see?"

"I just asked to."

"Then grab the wall and watch." I glided a bit away, backwards. I saw her jaw drop as I went through the middle of the rink like that before i spun around and tapped the wall. I heard one little girl go 'COOL!'. I then started skating back, grapevining the way back. I had by back turned and I didn't notice Kat had moved out of the way until I hit her, both of us tumbling onto the cold floor. She looked up at me a bit shocked then disappointed.

"You said you wouldn't let me fall."

"If you held my hand. You only fell when we weren't holding hands." I smiled a bit, helping her up.

"Well you better not let me fall again."

"I'll make sure to grow some eyes behind my head to keep an eye on you when I'm impressing you."

"It wasn't that impressive." She mumbled under her breath.

"You think you can do it?"

"Oh hell no." Kat laughed. "I can't even stand on these skates properly yet."

"If you want to come with me here, maybe you can go around the rink by yourself."

"I'd rather be with you. To make sure my ass won't break the ice."

I laughed. "I don't think it can do that."

"I can try til I do, just so I can be right."

"I probably can't stop you." I stated.

"You can't."

I smiled. "I didn't think so."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2016 ⏰

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