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Hello there!! This is the chapter for our characters/adaptions: Muriel and Anubis. This is also a slight Supernatural and The Kane Chronicles crossover, butcharacters and relationships are changed, if that makes sense... We don't have a picspam for them as of now but we may make one in due time. Enjoy alpacas there in the meantime!!


Muriel's PoV

Autumn was amazing. The air was cool and crisp, the wind blowing the changing leaves through the air, the smell of pumpkin pie and cinnamon wafting out of the cafés in the area; it was divine. I currently sat in a diner, eating a hamburger. The diner was mostly empty, minus the staff and a few people at the bar. I sat in a small nook booth in the back with a window. I was currently waiting for my date. I could wait though; he does have certain duties to uphold.

Oh, I may have forgotten to mention he is a god.

He is Anubis, the Egyptian god of death, mummification, and the afterlife. He was also the Lord of the Underworld before another god replaced him. He was the first entity I meant beside any of my fellow kin.

I also may have forgotten to mention I was an angel of the Lord.

Many in heaven see our relationship as uncivilized and wrong, mainly because of our different beliefs and cultures. Only a few, like my closest brother Raziel, and our older brother Gabriel, seem to not care. However, they also hate Raziel, mainly because of his crush on a guy during the American Revolution. Gabriel was like our messenger to keep us up to date with what has happened up there, mostly about conflicts between us and demons across the world. Nothing too important happens in this day and age anymore. Most things are getting resolved by humans. They are all so interesting to me, how they have grown from Adam and Eve to this.

I looked up from my burger as the door to the diner opened. Anubis, disgusting his true form to the humans, and to me, walked in. He wore a dark coat, a similar color to his eyes when he is a human. He gave a slight nod to the lady behind the counter before walking to my booth, sliding in adjacent from me.

"Good afternoon, Muriel." He stated.

"It's more evening now."

"I'm sorry..." He unintentionally pulled out the hurt puppy eyes his face makes when he's feeling guilty for anything. I laugh internally thinking about what he does in the Underworld daily, then to see him like this.

"It's okay, I understand."

"I don't really get that many breaks as of late, with the demons seeming to get more and more violent, killing each other, and the people possessed are the hardest to judge. Their bodies killed many but their souls didn't do any harm."

"Let's stop talking about work for now." I stated, as the waitress came by with the food I ordered for him, which was a regular hamburger. we both tend to lean toward the basic types of food rather than exotic and extravagant meals. We'd always meet at this diner for dinner before we ventured off to our main date location. We ate, talking in between bites about current events and what has happened in the week we haven't seen each other.

We finished our meals in 15 minutes, Anubis paying for it. We thanked the lady at the counter and left. Anubis led the way to a park a few blocks down. Leaves were fluttering in the light breeze, a few squirrels dashing across the pathway. Anubis grabbed my hand, his fingers cold compared to mine. He strayed us off the path to in between some trees by a little slope, sitting down in a pile of leaves, many flying into the air and around him.

I laughed a bit at that. He raised a hand up at me. "Join me."

I grabbed his hand plopping in the leaves next to him, more flying in the air, one landing in his hair. I smiled, picking it out. Right at that moment, he reached into mine, pulling out a leaf as well. A smile appeared on his face. he then gently passed the leaf on the left side of my face, then the other side, making funny smack sounds. I slapped him with my leaf too, laughing more than making sound affects. He then grabbed an armful of leaves.


Suddenly a hundred or more leaves were rained down upon my head. I looked through the leaves that obscured my view of Anubis. I then grabbed a hand full and threw them at his face. He looked at me.

"Oh, that's how it's gonna be."

"You know it." I smiled. Suddenly I felt two arms wrapped around me. Before I could register what happened, we were rolling down the slope, ending up at the bottom, me on top of him, both of our clothes covered in leaves, Anubis' face half covered in dirt.

"This isn't how I planned this to go..." He stated. I laughed, leaning up and kissing him. He kissed back, and we stayed that way for while, before I pulled away.

"Was this your whole date plan, for us to roll down a hill, get all dirty, and then kiss?" I asked.

"... Maybe. But it worked!"

I gave him a quick peck on the lips again. "It sure did."

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