"Poor Axel," she said, ignoring how I clearly felt. "He wants the kiss so badly. How long do you think Chris will keep it?"

"A couple of days, to be honest," I answered.

There was no limit to how long you could keep the kiss, but most people preferred to have it passed around quickly. Apparently it was more fun that way. But some guys like Chris preferred to savour the kiss since girls would swarm them for it. They'd keep it and wait until a girl they really wanted came into the picture and then she'd get the kiss, and the game would pick up its pace again.

   "Poor Axel," Hannah said, sighing sadly. "I have another question."

   "What?" I asked, having a bad feeling it would be about him.

   "If Axel is into blondes, do you think I have a chance? Do you think I should dye my hair blonde?"

   "Of course not!" My eyes flew wide. "Hannah, you're gorgeous. You can get him the way you are."

   It was true. Hannah was gorgeous with her dark, wavy locks and big green eyes. She was thin with nice curves and because of her incredible features, she had received the kiss many times. That was also why she liked Axel. He had taken the kiss from her once and ever since she'd been obsessed with him.

    "I should have made him fight for the kiss," she said, shaking her head. "I should have made him fall for me before I let him kiss me."

   "Hannah, you could do so much better," I said, wondering once again why my best friend was in love with a jerk.

   "Why do you hate him?" she shot back. "What has he ever done to you?"

   He had never done anything to me, but it was simply the way he was that bothered me. Axel was arrogant and tried to grab attention whenever he could. He acted like he was above everyone and it annoyed me. It made me so furious, so I hated him.

   I was about to tell Hannah this, but suddenly our teacher entered the room. The class went silent and soon the lesson of the day began. Hannah and I focused on our teacher and took everything in, knowing our marks mattered this year.


"Mom! Dad!" I shouted, entering my house. "I'm home!"

"We're in the kitchen honey!" my mom shouted back.

Kicking off my shoes, I went to the kitchen where my parents were cooking dinner. The both of them shot me a smile and I smiled back, thankful for them as usual. I loved my parents.

"Where's Luke?" I asked, looking around for my younger brother.

"He's at Adrian's," my dad answered, bringing the pot of pasta they'd been cooking to the table. "Apparently playing PS4 is better than spending time with family. Can you believe that?"

"I can't," I teased, grinning.

I went over to the table and sat down, ready to eat. My parents soon joined me, sitting across from me. They scooped the Alfredo pasta out of the pot onto three plates and passed it around. I took it and smiled, thankful my parents were chefs.

We began to dig in and I sighed at the heavenly taste of the pasta. It warmed my stomach and I smiled at my parents who were watching me.

"It's delicious," I said.

"Thank you," my dad said, grinning. "I'm thinking of adding it to our menu."

"You should."

   Having parents who were chefs was incredible. It frequently earned you five star meals and sometimes, I wondered how I was able to maintain being thin. With all the food I ate, it was a mystery.

    "How are you marks?" my mom asked after a bit.

"Good," I answered honestly. "Although, I wish my English mark was higher."

"What is it?" she asked.

   I looked down, slightly ashamed. "It's an eighty."

"You're getting an eighty?" my dad blurted out, surprised. "You never get below ninety in your subjects."

My cheeks heated up, knowing it was true. This was my senior year and these marks were the most important ones, but for some reason, I was getting the lowest mark I had ever received in my life. It was worrisome and I tried to work hard in English to bring it up.

"Zoey, your marks matter this year," my mom said gently. "Work hard to get into the university you want to get into."

"I am," I said, my heart dropping. "I've been working hard."

"Has there been a guy who's been distracting you?" my dad asked.

To my surprise, I jumped at those words. My eyes flew wide and my cheeks went red, earning looks from my parents. I wasn't sure why I reacted that way and suddenly, I was embarrassed.

"No," I scoffed, praying my cheeks would cool down. "The boys in my school are idiots."

"That's a good way to think." my mom smiled. "Remember what I told you, boys are up to no good. They only want you for your body so never give them anything - even a kiss - until you've been dating them for years."

"Hey, I didn't want you for your body," my dad said, sounding defensive.

My mom raised an eyebrow and my dad grinned sheepishly. I smiled at the sight, touched by the fact that my parents were high school sweethearts. Those were rare and I was proud to say mine were.

"I know Mom," I said, bringing their attention back to me. "I don't think I'll be with anyone until I'm done my education."

"Good girl." My mom smiled. "You always make me proud."

My dad nodded in agreement and I grinned, loving the compliment. I loved making my parents proud. All I ever wanted to do was make them proud, so that was what I would do.

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