Cal Chpt. 2

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Hi everyone. I know it's been a while since I have updated. I've had an injury and surgery and recovery going on that I completely forgot about wattpad. Sorry to keep you guys waiting so long. Thank you all for the stars and encouragement! Hope you guys like the next episode!


I've started to admire Kilorn's determination and loyalty to the Scarlet Guard. Even though he doesn't have abilities the new bloods have, he is an asset to the cause.

We have been walking for three days now and running low on food. Bree and Tramy set up traps for squirrels and rabbits. Kilorn throws a net weaved of grass and twigs into a nearby river. Nanny and Cameron go up ahead to scout out the area.

We landed near Corvium, where rioting started as we flew over the black city. Past the city is a town called Rocasta, a supply center for goods and food. Being stealthy will be necessary to avoid being seen by a soldier in Corvium.

"Area is clear up ahead." Cameron growls. None of us has had good sleep or much food to eat.

"But there are some Silvers fleeing the city that could possibly spot us."

"Alright, Nanny you think you can get into the city?" I'm hoping that the markets will be unattended for Nanny to swoop in and grab some food. Getting weapons would also help.

"Well, I'm not going to keep on starving here. Death needs to wait a little longer to take me." She says, with a smirk.

"Alright, get in there and take what you can and come out quickly.  We'll be waiting by the hill." I say.

Before Nanny heads towards the road, she turns into a Silver soldier with the distinct Corvium uniform. Black with a white stripes across the chest.

Waiting seems to aggravate the pain in my chest. It takes only a moment to be reminded that Mare is in the hands of Maven. My Mare. I would have followed them back to Archeon and get her back, but the place is surrounded. Without arms, a plan, and a team, I would be slaughtered before I reach her.

What is he doing to her right now? No, I must keep focus on getting us back to the base. Thinking of the possibilities will only drive me to anger. I will come for you Mare.
Never lose sight of what is important. It's the only thing that keeps me going nowadays.

After an hour, Cameron jerks up and whispers to herself, "Nanny is fine. No one can recognize her."

Kilorn, Bree, and Tramy become unsettled by Cameron's worrying.

Bree says, " It has been a while. Why don't Tramy and I go see what's going on?"

"How would we find her? She could've changed form again." Kilorn grumbles.

They all look at me in unison.

" We'll wait for a few minutes." It's the only advice I have for now. Going in to look for her is too risky. With soldiers and guards on high alert, they could recognize us and take us hostage.

What would they do with us? Maven made a deal with Mare. Would he honor it? Or did he just promise her that to get her to go with him?

"She's back." Cameron sighs.

We look up to see Nanny still in the soldier form, but the horror in her face gnaws at our minds with worry.

"There was a showing on the television. Maven...." She stops, closing her eyes not wanting to cry.

"He has Mare in a collar...with a leash on it." She finishes.

I immediately get up and stomp away until my strides break into a sprint. My skin starts to heat up, my mind is about to explode with anger. A leash. He wants power over her. He intends to humiliate her, probably as punishment for his mother's death. What's his plan then? He's going to use her in some way. There's no surprise there.

Suddenly, my anger flows from my mind to my fists throwing fire in the air. Maven will get an even worse punishment than that. Some part of me wishes my old brother would come back. But he's chosen a dangerous path and what plans he has must have come from his mother.

"Cal?" A concerned Kilorn approaches me with caution.

"All right prince, we all heard what happened. Let's get to the base and figure out what to do from there. " Bree says.

"He won't kill her will he?" asks Tramy.

He looks to Bree for assurance but the question was directed to me.

I squat on the floor and sit back. The anger has subsided. I shake my head, " No, he won't. He wants her for something. To use her. He won't be killing her..."

"Bree, Tramy, do you guys mind giving us a few minutes?" Kilorn notices I'm holding something back.

They both nod and walk away.

It's misty in the woods. The fog hovers over the grass about two feet off the ground. Suddenly, I realize I am cold. Me, cold.

"What's really going on?" Kilorn asks concerned.

Sighing, "We just need to get to the base faster." I stand and walk towards the rest. If I dwell, I'll lose focus.

"Right." He mumbles.

As we head out, among the trees are glowing eyes. Owls. They scared Cameron the first night she saw them. She is the least affected by the news of Mare. This girl has been resistant to taking Mare's plans for new bloods. Although, she did volunteer to help the Little Legion in the Choke. Maybe, Mare got through to her after they both felt it was necessary to kill the Silver Guards back at Corros Prison.

Rocasta, a Red town where trade and market flourish, is swarmed by merchants, buyers, and Silver Guards dressed in black and red uniforms. Seems as though the king seemed fit to restrict the Reds even more than they already were. We avoid being seen with the soldier's helmets and uniform Nanny smuggled out of Corvium.

There's something wrong here. I look to the others and nod my head to warn them.

Out of the corner of my eye, I spot a few merchants grouped together. They look towards us and whisper to each other.

A black haired female walks towards us with a menacing gaze. She's got the attention of the other Silver Guards. Slowly, they start walking towards her and pull out their guns. She smirks as if that's what she wanted. Her hand reaches for something in her brown leather jacket and shouts, "Rise, red as the dawn!"

Suddenly, in her hand is a grenade. She pulls her arm back to throw it towards us.

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