the meeting

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There he was standing in the corner
There is I watching over him
I went on stage and waited for burst through the doors
There he was and I stood next to eachother I felt the butterflies fluttering inside me
Before I knew it, it was the end of the show
There I was waving goodbye when I grabbed him and said what a good show it was he smiled and everything stopped for a second
We talked all night watching some Korean drama
That when it happened he had watched a sexual part of it and he got one
I pointed at it and went that should be in me not there
I grabbed him and pulled him in to the room I ripped his clothes off and pushed him on the bed
There I was getting undressed
And him getting harder and harder
I grabbed my condom from my draw and popped it on.
It slid straight through what hurt a lot felt so good although it was wrong
I'll never look at a box of tissue in the same way
After we stopped, we went to bed and then he woke up smiling
"Hello beautiful"
I stopped, rolled over and went back to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2016 ⏰

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