Types of Hackers

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· Their are 4 types of hackers:-

1.Black Hat Hacker:These are usually the bad guys who gain unauthorized access into a system be it for personal reasons or otherwise.

2.Grey Hat Hacker:These are neither bad nor good,their in between.They could gain access with the permission or may not usually too.Or they might think that its their job to penetrate into systems and find weaknesses for the fixing of exploits in improving security whether granted permission or not.In other words,they can sometimes be a black hat,sometimes a white hat.

3.White Hat Hacker:These are the good guys.They hack for companies,organizations.They basically are used by companies or different organizations to test their secuirty system,this process is more often known as ethical hacking or penetration testing.They are hired to protect the systems by finding weaknesses,in other words to combat the bad guys,the black hats.

4.Blue Hats:This term is not so well often known but they certainly are not referred to as hackers.They are hired by companies to bug test a system to check for vulnerabilities or exploits so they can be closed before the specific product is launched.An example is that of Microsoft hiring Security Professionals for bug testing of the operating system "windows."

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