Worst Nightmare Ever

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3rd Person POV:
Everyone stopped cold literally. The room got 50° lower and 10 shades darker. "Where is she!? Give her up and all shall be spared! Now!", yelled Tartarus. Everyone was confused and majority in the throne room were terrified. Then another flash of bright light this time happened. There stood the three fates. They looked terrifying. So terrifying that Tartarus himself almost flinched. "You have meedled in stuff that is not you business for to long. The champion of fate will be your worst nightmare!", said all three of them together. "If you think that I will be terrified then you are sorely mistaken.", Tartarus shouted. Even as he said it, he looked as if he wanted to take back his words. With a warning of war, chaos, and destruction, he disappeared. "Our champion will be here soon though her hood remains on at all times unless she reveals herself to you", with that said they vanished too. It left them all with a thought who is the mysterious girl that will be Tartarus' worst nightmare.

So the picture is Tartarus and what he looks like. Sorry the upfate was late today. And tomorrow is my birthday.

They guessed right so tomorrow's chapter is dedicated to them.

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