Foxica (Foxy x Chica)

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Oh god... where to begin.

I'm seriously going to admit something, so hear me out-

After being in the fnaf fandom for soon-to-be 2 years, I have seen many ships...

But this one...

I literally don't have any other words. No, I'm serious. I can't think of anything else to say. All I can say when I see this ship is-

"Hoooo boy. This ship again."

I'm gonna be honest here, I really like this ship. Though I am a Fangle shipper, I really do like this ship. It has a nice charm to it, as in my real headcannon, Foxy and Chica were together at one point. Yeah, they were just about the cutest couple this side of town. And I just gush up when I see the ship- it's cute!

But the fans...



OH. MY. GOD. Never have I EVER walked into a fandom and experienced this much people with egos bigger than Asia, I swear to GOD. I swear, some Foxica fans I've met just here on Wattpad are the most stuck up, egotistical, and outright ANNOYING shippers I've ever seen. They always march around with their ship and white knights, always having to proclaim that they're shippers of Foxy and Chica. Literally, every time I see them, they're always saying things like "Foxica fanfic, don't like, don't read! If you don't ship Foxica, then GET OUT!!11!!!" or "This is a FOXICA fanart, so if you don't like it just LEAVE!!" on all of their fanfics and fanarts. I find it really sad that people have to act this way, especially when I'm trying to read a Foxica fanfic myself from time to time.

Now I'm not saying all fans are like this, obviously. Heck, take user Kwixel for an example. She is a very nice person, and one of the most nicest Foxica shippers I've ever met. I've even seen her deviantart, and I must say she's highly talented. Now go give her a follow, will ya? ;)

So uh, that's my rant. Nothin' too bad. If this offended you, please tell me down in the comments, I would love to hear your reasoning on why you like the ship! :D

FNAF SHIPS N OPINIONS  (+thoughts) MUTHER F#%KERSSSSSSOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora