January 1.1

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  • Dedicated to Kate (For the pick-up lines)

Banner to the side ---> is January, made by @SilverMoonShadow :D

January 1.1

“Are you sure you’re not an astronaut? ‘Cos your eyes are out of this world.”

My reflection in the mirror isn’t very impressed with my – frankly pathetic – attempt at a pick-up line. I have never been good at it; I always used to end up giggling before I’d even said the line. Mind you, I don’t even know why I’m practising. I’ve got the date, haven’t I? It might be a good ice-breaker, who knows.

“Hey!” cries Karl, glaring at me. “That’s one of my best lines, Sander. You can’t steal that away from me. Or at least give me credit.”

Karl’s been acting funny all day. He was fine at first when I got back yesterday evening, but ever since I told him about my date with January this evening, he’s been acting all tight and defensive.

“I doubt anything like that will work on her,” I sigh, resignedly. “She’s probably heard it before, anyway. A girl like that must have hundreds of guys throwing themselves at her. I still can’t believe she’s going out with me tonight.”

Karl flung his arm in the air. “Alright, Lysander! You don’t need to rub it in, okay? I know you’re going on a date with her, mate, and I’m happy for you. But do you really have to rub it in every freakin’ second? Because think about how I feel, just for once. You do realise I asked her about before, don’t you? And she turned me down. Straight away. So maybe be a little more sensitive and think about that whilst you go on and on about it, because even though you may think I’m heartless, I’m not. I really did like her Sander, and it’s painful to watch her accept you but not me. Don’t get me wrong, I hope it goes well for you buddy, but just calm a little, okay. You’re not the only one in the room.”

Karl heaves after his rant, looking at me apologetically. I’m too shocked too speak; in the four years I’ve known him he hasn’t raised his voice even once, he always resorts to stern words, never shouting. I’m not going to shout back, though, because he’s right. I am being a little insensitive. I honestly hadn’t realised he had asked out January before, though.

“I’m sorry.”

And I am, it’s just sometimes I find myself needing to talk about what’s happening. I’m not too good at holding in emotions, especially when it’s something I’m excited about.

“It’s fine,” mutters Karl, standing up. “You want a coffee?”

I did, but I doubted it would do much to calm my nerves. I felt jittery all over, unable to keep still.

I shook my head. “No, thanks. Which tie, do you reckon?”

I hold up a blue and a red tie against my white shirt, standing in front of the mirror.

Karl hesitates for a moment, studying my reflection in the mirror. “Go with the blue,” he decides, slipping out of the room.

I tie it around my neck slowly, making sure it’s exactly proportioned. I stand up straight in front of the mirror and am pleasantly surprised to see my reflection. I actually pretty good for once, not at all bookish. (Which I am, but you know what I mean.)

I’ve ruffed my brown hair out of its usual side parting, so it’s sticking up but in a cool guy kind of way. I’ve put in some contact lenses that my sister made me buy last year for special occasions, and I have to say, I look like a different guy with them on. My stubble is a few days old (on Karl’s recommendation) and my nose looks different somehow. To be honest, I look like someone else. I’m not sure I like it, but hey, it’s only for an evening.

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