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“You don’t need your eyes to love, right? You just feel it inside you. That’s how it is in heaven. It’s just love, and no one forgets who they love.” R.J Palicio, Wonder

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Wednesday, 1st January.

Hey there. If you’re reading this, please, I beg of you, don’t give it to the media. Just imagine the headlines: ‘Prominent Author’s Secret Journal Uncovered –Not The Man He Was Presumed To Be’. The scandal would ruin my career, for sure. That’s the bad thing about being in the public eye, I suppose. Until it happens to you you never realise quite how hard it is to stay out of it. Not to mention the paparazzi. They are everywhere.

Sorry, straying off track there. Okay, back to what I meant to say. I've decided it’s time to settle down. I’ve never been one for having loads of flings, I’ve always wanted  a permanent relationship. I don’t seem to have much luck, though. I don’t know why – I’m definitely not poor, I’m not bad-looking and I can make people laugh. My sister is always telling me I just haven’t met the right girl yet – but I’m not sure I believe her. I think there’s something wrong with me.

Over the years I’ve tried to set numerous New Year's Resolutions. They’ve always failed, whether I’m trying to give up alcohol or do a bit more gardening. I lack motivation in every field except my writing – I can just do that. This year I have decided to try something a little different, a bit more unique.

I’m going to meet twelve girls – and no, I’m not going to sleep with them. What do you take me for? But not just any twelve girls.

Before I tell you, here’s something to think about: what could the number twelve mean? I can think of many things it represents, but just to name a few: there are twelve zodiac signs, twelve eggs in a box, twelve disciples, twelve hours on a clock, twelve days of Christmas, twelve inches in a foot and twelve months in the year.

It’s that last one I’m interested in. There are twelve months in the year – and that is how I am going to meet my girlfriend. Over the course of the next 365 days, 52 weeks, 12 months and 1 year I am going to find the girl for me. I know it.

And do you know how I am going to do it? I'm going to find a twelve girls each with the name of a different month. You’re crazy! I hear you say. But am I? No, I’m just inventive; a skill every author needs. Everyone’s met a girl called April, or May, or June. But have you ever met a girl called September? I haven’t – which is why I need to. I had a friend once, who is no longer with us, who taught me that if you want something from this life you should strive towards it. But you have to earn it.

I’ve earned this chance, I’ve decided. I haven’t wasted my life; not a single day of it.

There are thirty-one days in January. I’ve already spent today writing this so that leaves me with thirty days to find and meet a January. I’m not the sort of guy who treats girls like dirt, and I’m not even looking for a romantic relationship, necessarily. All I hope for – and it’s not much to ask – is that I come out of this with a friend or two, and, if I am very, very lucky someone I can share my life with.

Let the games begin. 

 A/N I hope you like it so far! I though it was a pretty cool idea, and I'd love to see if you agree! Please comment and vote and I will write and post the first chapter if this gets some reads and recognition Also, if you have written something in a similar genre and would like me to read it, please don't advertise here. Send me an Inbox Message and if I have the time I will check it out - just no advertising here! Thank you x

EDIT - It has been pointed out to me that the concept of the story is similar to that of a movie called "What's Your Raashee?". This is entirely coincidental - I have never watched, and until now heard of, that movie. I know the current cover is similar, but that is becuase someone else made it. I am in the process of making a new cover as we speak. Sorry if anyone thinks I've copied, because I honestly haven't. The idea came to me on my own, and no idea is ever truly original (think of all the 'Good Girl Meets Bad Boy'. I like them, but they are all similar!

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