Chapter Two

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I woke up the next morning confused, I was in an unfamiliar house, and I didn't have a hangover and there was no one next to me, ruling out the only reasons I'd be in an unfamiliar environment. Then it all came back to me, the band, the move and also, how hungry I am, oh well, who needs food.

I got up and decided to get ready for the day. Once I was done with my 'morning routine'.

lmao I sound like a beauty guru

I headed downstairs to see what the guys are up to, it's noon already so I'll be damned if they aren't up.

I entered the living room cautiously, peeking around the corner to see who was there, just Balz and Chris. I decided to enter the room, turning the corner, Balz we first to look up from his phone and notice me.

"Hey road kill,"
He greeted.

"Umm... Road kill?"
I questioned.

"We came up with it last night, it's your new nickname, and your name on our driving list, speaking of which, ARE YOU READY FOR TOUR!!!"
Chris exclaimed.

"Yea I guess, I mean I'm excited, I love playing, but I'm nervous, what if they hate me? What if they're mad I'm not Frank?"

"RICKY, you'll be ok, they'll love you I know it,"

"Ya whatever."
I mumbled as I plopped down next to Balz scooting into the corner of the couch because idk man corners are just my thing.

"Hey kid,"
Ryan said as he and TJ entered the room sitting on a couch across from us.

I replied not really wanting to start conversation.

"What's up?"
TJ asked in probably the most board tone anyone could muster.

"Nothing, I'll be outside if anyone needs me."
I said getting up from my place on the comfortable old couch grabbing my black zip up hoodie, which allways held my cigs, lighter, and my wallet. I think I left my phone in my room but who cares. I stood on the small front porch of the house, leaning against the wooden rail on the front, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it up, brining it to my lips, inhaling carefully and blowing the smoke out in front of me.

"You know those are bad for you."
Ryan said from behind me, making me jump.

"You know that's gotta be on the top ten list of things every smoker hates hearing. Oh and thanks for the jump scare Ryan." I lightly chuckled.

"Obviously you seem to know they're bad for you then, why do you keep doing it?" He asked still not letting up.

I put out my dead cigarette, stomping on it and twisting my heal. I then turned to face him.
"I just like it, it's a nice release. Is that why you fallowed me out here, to give me a lecture about smoking, it's not going to work so why don't you just go inside where it's warm."

"I mean I kinda to get to know you, you just  joined the band, so I don't know much about you. Also  I don't want to lecture you I'm no hypocrite. You gotta lite by the way."

"Well, damn plot twist, here ya go," I tossed him my lighter.
"You want to get to know me, well where do I start."
I replied.

"How about you start at the beginning."
Ryan replied.

"Uh well, I grew up in Seattle, I love it there, I love the rain, the city, but not the people fuck people. I was raised in a pretty musical household, my mother was a fantastic singer and my dad called himself the piano man. My mom was from the south so they had a bit of a jazz thing going on there. They put me into guitar lessons when I was just starting school, I learned how to play jazz music, but it was never very interactive with the guitar so I looked for other music. I found the infamous grunge underground of Seattle and it's pretty much history from there."
I replied hoping it wasn't too much information.

Ryan sarcastically replied.

"Well you said you wanted the beginning, so like there ya go, childhood."

"If you were raised on jazz playing the guitar then how the hell did you end up playing bass in a heavy metal band?"

"Fate I guess, I taught myself bass in high school, because I wanted to start a band and we couldn't find a bass player so I just played bass. I was a singer back then too. so I could do both."

"Triple threat,"
Ryan laughed.

"Haha tell me about you now,"

"Umm okay. I grew up here in this small town, it's pretty great. Uh I've been playing guitar since high school, but I used to be more into like rap and I used to write rap albums, cringe I know. I don't know there's not much to my life really I just really like music and I really like playing. Boys, I also really like boys."
Ryan explained. I found the rap thing funny and also kinda weird how he made that segway into his sexuality.

"I like boys too."
I said with out any hesitation, I'm proud to be me and if people don't like it then they can suck my gay ass.
"Does the band know about you."

"Uh, no they don't actually, I haven't came out to many people, because I haven't known you long it was easier to tell you, but I don't know how they're react if I just randomly came outa the closet."

"I don't think they'd mind, Chris knows about me."

"Oh, okay"
Ryan replied. I could tell he was ready to drop the subject.

"Wanna go back inside, I'm cold."

"Yea whatever dude."


It's called a fan FICTION for a reason. Have a good day!
-Kat ⚰

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