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Carlie had decided to see them in Memphis and again in Chicago. She put her bag in the car, went back to lock up the house and started the nine hour drive to Memphis.

Three hours into the drive and she was already sick of hearing the music on the radio, so she put on a mix of songs from her favorite bands. She was the only one in the car but still felt self conscious as she sang along. She was proud of herself for actually taking the trip to see people who made a difference in her life. Especially one in particular. She didn't know what it was about Nick but she knew that he was special. She was surprised that he had responded to her messages and they've been chatting for a few weeks now. She was lost in her thoughts and the music and realized that she needed to get something to eat so she found a place to stop and got out to stretch her legs and headed inside.

She had a few hours left and decided not to stop again until she reached the hotel.

Three hours later..

After checking into the hotel she went to her room and decided to take a nap. She was meeting her cousin later for a late dinner and drinks.

She got up to the sound of her phone going off. She answered and chatted with her cousin for a few minutes. He was meeting her in the lobby in twenty minutes. She ended the call and got up to shower and dress. She wasn't the girly type so she wore jeans and a nice shirt with her fave pair of vans. Grabbing the things she needed she headed out closing the door behind her.

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