Section II Part II

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Section II: ordering cuisine

Part II: As promised, today we will take a look at the proper way to order at a drive through. While many of the mechanics of this are complex and will come in time and practice, a basic foundation is necessary. For starters you will want to look at your car. There are only certain types of cars that are acceptable in drive throughs. The magic of a drive through is the anonymity of those buying the food, to preserve this you need an unassuming car with tinted windows. It is important that they not see your face. To add to this make sure you use a vocal disguise mechanism when ordering your food. I would recommend "the dark night rises" edition or just kidnap Steven Hawking. Once more to not disturb the anonymity of this whole process you should use a mono chrome robotic hand to deliver the money through a small crack in your drivers side window. If the drive through service member asks you to wear a blind fold or burlap sack while he or she gives you your food that is your duty and should be looked at as required. Sometimes you will find yourself waking up on a foreign road in a car that is not your own. This is normal, it is the magic of the drive through. Welcome to your new life.

-yours truly Dieinahole42

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