Someone knew about it!

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The whole team had their hands full of work.

They sort out all the folders and then discussed what each of them has understood. Then they started drawing the conclusions. After going through the data, they were stunned with the results and all of them wanted a break.

Vicky: I can't freaking believe this!!!

Ron: There must be many people involved in this.

Maria: We can't just point out anybody.

Daniel: There are handful of names in these folders. Till now, I thought there must be something wrong with Veronica before she came to Laketown. I thought somebody killed her for vengeance.

Angel: That is the problem. You all had your own assumptions. There was no scope for any other situations.

Ron: How can you say that! How will someone reach to such a conclusion? Don't forget that Veronica had taken a whole three months to solve this!

Angel and Daniel exchanged knowing looks

Daniel: Without knowledge of the person's complete background and with the handful of information available at hand, it is hard to solve a case considering the fact that the info was incorrect to an extent.

Vicky: Yes. We thought she volunteered at Greens but she was working on something else altogether.

But Angel knew which incorrect info Daniel was talking about.

Angel: I did not blame you guys. I am just surprised that such a thing went unnoticed by you guys.

Maria gets a call. She talks in hushed tones and asks the person on the other line to come in.

Maria: Grisham and Mike are here.

Ron: well. I also talked with the carpenter. He said that David's window needed a replacement.

Angel: David as in Vivian's dad?

Ron: Yes

Daniel: Did he replace the window with the same pattern?

Ron: He said that they just asked to bring along plain glasses and do the work silently. They did not find the broken window glass.

Daniel: So, they just used the old wooden frame?

Ron: Yes.

Angel: I see. Let us see what Grisham has to say. The samples in her work area must belong to him.

Maria: I asked Mike to bring the testing equipment along with him. He is using the other office around the corner. He said he would collect Grisham's samples from her work area and also the rotten parts.

Angel: Good job Maria

Ron: But we have to talk to him first.

Vicky: Yes. We will ask both of them separately.

Daniel: I can arrange for that. If Mike is setting up his lab, I will call Grisham to talk with us.

Daniel goes out and calls Grisham into Angel's cabin.

Daniel: Grisham, this is Officer Stone.

Grisham: Hi Officer.

Angel: Call me Angel. We needed some information from you.

Angel looked at the pale face of the man. He was coughing continuously.

Grisham: Ask whatever you want to.

Angel: I can see that you are not feeling well. Is there anything you need right now?

Grisham: No. I can manage that.

Veronica's Death *COMPLETED*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora