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It was nearly two in the morning and already I've fallen at least three times, two of which were in a giant thorn bush, and got yelled at for being late to the tree. The woods or Coonhunting wernt my problem though. It was my father. We went hunting nearly every night. Some nights were okay but others... well.. I don't like to think about those..

"Luke!! Why did I get to this damn tree before you!? What did I tell you!?"

I braced for the impact of his hit as he drew his hand back. It never landed though because the dogs started to fight.
"Hold the goddamn dogs still or you will be next" He said as began to beat the dogs with chains.
My dogs. And I had to hold them. "This is wrong" I thought. I nervously yell

"Stop please they learned their lesson"


That's when I knew I messed up.. I went home with some bruises on my back and shoulders. At least the dogs are alive..


I jump awake in a cold sweat and look at the time. It's only ten minutes until I have to get up. Great. I guess I'm getting up early today. I jumped out of bed and turned my alarm off as I begin trying to find a clean shirt and some pants. I slip them on quickly and start on my way to brush my teeth when I hear one of my siblings alarm go off.

I clamp my hand over my mouth and practically dive in the bathroom and shut the door.

"That was close. They would snitch."

I brush my teeth quickly and find my shoes. I'm just rounding my stuff up and sitting on the couch when I hear arguing between my younger siblings.
"Timothy stop! I'm trying to fix my hair!"
I roll my eyes and get up to settle the bickering between my younger twin siblings.
"Timothy go in my room and get ready so that Sarah can get finished please."
He huffed and rolled his eyes but left. They are both 8 but they bicker as if they are 5. I begin to hear a low rumble in the distance that I recognize as the bus.
"Timothy! Sarah! C'mon the bus is here!"


"Watch where you're going loser!", Says the guy who I just accidentally bumped into.

"Look douche bag it was an accident chill"

I really hope he doesn't feel like fighting. I'm not in the mood I just want to get to history.

"What did you just call me faggot??"

"Look I'm just trying to get to class. Don't do this man."

"Why? You don't want me to give you a black eye to match the one your daddy gave you?" He says as he shoves me.

That's it.  I instantly got up and landed a flurry of punches to his stomach and face. He retaliates and gets some good hits in but he's not gonna win this. I kick his legs out from under him as I get on top of him and land a few more punches. He goes on conscious just as the principle comes running.

"Break it up!! Break it up!!"

I start to get up but I feel someone grab my collar and snatch me up instead. Quite rudely I might add. I begin to run over the possibilities of what I can say to father. I wonder if I can ask them to fetch mom instead. After all, she is a school lunch lady here.

"Could you talk to my mom instead of my father?" I ask politely.

"Oh yeah your dad is gonna kill you" whispers the barely functioning bully.

I kick him in the shin discreetly causing him to wince.

"I called down to the lunchroom. The manager doesn't want her to leave. We will call your father. Sit here until he arrives."

Great. Father will not be amused. I'm pretty sure my discipline won't be pleasant. As usual.

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