A Rush Of Wings Chapter 1

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A Rush Of Wings: Chapter One

Narrators POV

As the sun was setting things start to get colder, by night fall it'll be almost to cold to snow. The snow continued to swirl around the truck it is so thick that a person could barely see 5 feet in front of them. Another winter snow. Spring seems like a long way off. Seemed to be the constant theme as another snow storm rolls through and the hopes of all is that by night it'll be to cold to snow. Ashling and her brother Aidan where driving into town like every night minus when there is more then 3 feet of snow on the ground. They weren't preforming this night for a change, the brother and sister duo was going to see a new talent play at the local pub. Ashling was glad that her brother was driving tonight and not her, she hated driving in snow storms like this. Aidan had to drop her and Destiny off at school today and pick them up since neither of the girls liked to drive in this kind of weather.

Ashling's POV

"Are we almost there, Aidan? I can't tell with all this snow." I said as I looked out the window trying to see through all the snow, it had been a quiet ride till that moment with no sound except for my brother's Thousand Foot Krutch CD playing out of the speakers.

"About another 10 minutes Ash then we'll be there. Just relax antsy pants and enjoy what little of your surroundings you can see." Aidan told me as he reached over and turned up the radio a little bit as one of our favorite TFK song started to play.

I gave him a glare for his comment and vowed to get him back later that night. As I listened to the song my thoughts started to drift forward to what our night would be like. It wasn't often that we got a night off, Aidan and I played most often during the winter to bring in extra money since horse sales are on hold during this time of year so it felt odd to have the night off and yet it was nice too. No clues as to who was preforming tonight, Breandán had kept quiet about it and come to think about it Iúile had been acting weird today when Destiny and I brought it up. Oh well, it'd be a great time of just hanging out something we both needed right now it'll help take our minds off of yesterday. The day we officially recognized as the day we lost our parents, it has been 10 years since we where orphaned. It was a hard day for the both of us, I was glad that Aidan had kept me home yesterday there would have been no way I could have made it through all my classes. A little movement in my hoodie's front pocket brought my thoughts back to the here and now. I looked down and saw my cute baby rat Ciara who was poking her head out of the pocket. I smiled down at her, Ciara was never far from me the only time I didn't have Ciara constantly with me was when I was at school, sleeping and working with the horses other then that Ciara was with me. I know your wondering what is so special about a rat that I would carry her around with me everywhere, well I got my first breed pair rats when I was 7, they where a gift from my parents, Ciara is a descendant of my first two and she looks just like my first female. I reached down and petted Ciara's little head.

"We're here, Ash. Stay put a minute, I'll come around and help you out the ground is going to be slick with ice." Aidan's words startled me a little but I nodded my head at him and shifted Ciara back further in my front pocket. Aidan opened the door on the passenger side of the truck and helped me down. Once down I pulled up the hood of my hoodie so I wouldn't get snow in my eyes, after that I held my hand out for Aidan's hand. I was seriously clumsy especially on the ice and landing on my butt in the extremely wet snow didn't sound pleasant at all.

"Ready to enjoy a night off?" Aidan ask me as we walked to the entrance of the pub.

"Yes, I am ready for a night off. It is diffidently needed after yesterday."

He gave me a smile as he held the entrance door open for me. Together we walk in, just a little ways off there was Breandán O'Connell the owner standing to greet and seat us.

"Hey you two! You do know it is your night off right?" Breandán asked us with a smile as he hugged me and shook hands with Aidan.

"Oh Haha. Yes, we know Breandán just thought we would drop by and check out the new talent you've got lined up to replace us." I threw back at him with a smirk and a mischief light in my eyes. Everyone knew I could give as good as I got if not better. I am a bit of a smart ass, but then I was raised by my brother who at times can be a bigger smart ass then me.

"I couldn't replace my brother and sister duo. All though if this new talent is any good you might want to watch out." He smirked and gave me a wink before moving on to show us our table.

I made a mental note to get Breandán back for that comment later. Aidan and I weaved our way through a crowd of people behind Breandán. He lead us to some seats at one of the front tables. It was to be a few more minutes before we saw this talent so Aidan ordered us a bowl of chips with some dip and some glasses of soda. We made small chat concerning the chores for tomorrow for a time before the room got quiet and the lights began to get ready for the show. I moved my chair so I could see the stage better and stuck my hands in my front hoodie pocket to pet Ciara.

I watched as Breandán got up on stage to announce the entertainment for the night, it felt weird to be sitting on this side of the stage instead of off to the side awaiting Breandán to announce Aidan and I to the crowd. It also felt nice not to have to deal with the butterflies in my stomach that come with waiting to go on stage. I leaned back further in my chair so I was a little more comfortable and watched as Breandán did the announcement.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for coming out tonight and what a lovely night it is to. Tonight's show is a little different then the norm, we have a new band set to play for you while our brother and sister duo enjoy the night off. Enjoy the show everyone!" And with that Breandán moved off stage and 3 young adults about my age walked up on stage and took their places.

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