Chapter 27

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My tires crackle onto the pavement of Katherine's driveway. I don't recognise the other car in her driveway, but by the way Katherine is acting I can tell that it isn't someone she wants to see. 

I stop the car, and Katherine is frozen beside me. She is gritting her teeth, as she slowly moves her eyes over to mine. 

"Are you okay, baby?" 

"That's Jaxon," she says, lifting her hand to point at the truck parked beside me. My face instantly turns hard, and I groan internally. This is going to be a fun day. 

"Do you know what he wants?" 

"No, but I'm sure it's important," she says, looking worried. "He hasn't talked to me since that night. Not even a text." 

"Hmmf. I guess we will just have to find out, even though I would much rather not," I whisper, kissing the back of Katherine's hand. 

"Yeah, me either, but I guess it was bound to happen eventually," she says, giving me a sheepish smile. 

"Come on. I'll be right beside you. I won't let him hurt you," I whisper with a certain seriousness in my voice. She nods to me, gripping my hand a little tighter. I open my door, and we both step out into the cool air. We walk together, hand in hand, up to the door, before she takes a deep breath and steps inside. 

Jaxon is sitting on her couch. He instantly looks up at us, then he gets up and walks over to us. He looks at Katherine, then at our hands that are tightly wound together, and then at me. He gives me a respectful nod, and I nod back with surprise that I just can't contain. This isn't exactly how I expected he would act... 

"I'm not here for what you think I'm here for," he says clearly, looking at both of us. "I'm here to tell you that I'm getting deployed to Afghanistan. I also want to tell you how deeply sorry I am for what I did. I am very happy that you have moved on, and you seem like a respectable man, not that my opinion matters," he says, looking at me. "You didn't deserve what I did to you, and I know I did it because I was angry about what you did, but there is still no excuse. I still love you, but I understand that we will never be together again. I don't want to be with you again because I know you can do so much better, so...I am here to say goodbye, and how happy I am for you two." He smiles at both of us. "I hope that one day we could get together and catch up when I'm back in the states, but in the meantime, I'm happy that you are happy. You deserve the best, and as long as he takes care of you, that's all that matters. I'll hopefully talk to you soon." 

He gives a nod, and walks out the front door, without looking back. I stand there, and I'm slightly in shock. He closed the door, and Katherine looks after him with her mouth hanging open slightly. Then, she closes it and starts to walk to the door. I follow her outside, keeping a little distance behind her, so she can do what she wants. She stops Jaxon before he opens the door to his truck, and he looks surprised by her action. 

"I'm glad you apologized, and I think I'll take you up on your offer to catch up when you get back. Be safe, and don't do any stupid Marine things," she says, and Jaxon laughs. She throws her arms out, and he looks surprised once again as she hugs him briefly. He glances at me as she does this, and I smile slightly at them. I'm happy there are no hard feelings. 

"When do you leave," I ask, once they have pulled away. 

"In about a week," he says. 

"Well, maybe we can get together before you leave," Katherine says. Jaxon smiles and nods to both of us. We say our goodbyes and when Jaxon leaves, we walk back into the house. Dana is sitting in the kitchen with a weird look on her face. 

"What's wrong, Dana," Katherine asks. 

"Nothing bad happened?" 

"No, nothing bad. He just apologized," she says. Dana takes a deep breath, and smiles at us. 

"I was worried there would be a fight," she whispers, laughing to herself. We all laugh lightly. 

"I thought there was too. I was really surprised by how he acted," I say, looking at Katherine. She shrugged, and smiled up at me. 

"I'm just happy he apologized," she says, while I pull her close to my side. She wraps her arms around me and squeezes me firmly. I set my chin on her head, and smile to myself. Gosh, I love this woman. 

"Me too," Dana says, sticking her hands on her hips. "I honestly think he should've done it sooner." 

"Better late than never," Katherine and I say at the same time. Katherine and I look at each other laughing. I lean down, so my lips are at her ear. 

"I love you," I whisper, and I feel her smile. 

"I love you too."

AN: Hey guys....I'm EXTREMELY sorry about how long you guys had to wait for this chapter, and I really have no way to make up for it :'( I hope you forgive me! I have been SUPER busy lately, and I havent even been able to call my Dad either (I'm a Daddy's girl if that tells you anything). I'm wrapping up the book, so this is one of the last chapters. Don't be mad >.< You guys are truely amazing and I'm thrilled to know that you took the time to read my book!!!! I really appriciate it. To be honest, I have never completed a story before. I would always run out of interest at about chapter 4 or so, and you guys motivated me to keep writing :D I might start a new story once I get done with this one, but I'm not completely sure yet. I love you guys so much, and I hope you had a wonderful Labor Day!!!!!

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