Chapter 19

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I stand in front of Jaxon, with tears threatening to spill over. I don't know how I'm going to tell him, and I'm straining my brain, trying to think of a good way to say it. Needless to say, I'm coming up blank. 

"Is everything okay, Katherine?" I love the way he worded that. Easy start, I guess. 

"No, Jaxon. Everything is not okay." 

"Then, what's wrong," he asks, stepping toward me. I step back, and Jaxon's face falls. "Katherine?" 

"There is no easy way to say this, so I'm just going to have to come out with it," I pause, trying to get up the courage. 

"You can tell me anything," Jaxon says. 

"You'll think otherwise after I tell you," I say, looking up into his confused eyes. 

"Why don't we go into my room," he says, motioning past him. 

"I don't th-" 

"I insist." I stare at him for a moment. 

"Sure." He gives me a small smile, and turns to step up the stairs. I follow him up one flight of stairs, and through a door. He takes me past a few doors, then pulls out his key, putting it in one of the random doors. He opens it, and holds it open for me. Maybe I should've just stayed outside. 

I stand inside the room. Its not large, with a bed against the wall, and a couple doors along the walls. He has made a home of it though, with a few pictures on the tables that are in the room. He closes the door, and walks over to me, motioning toward the small couch. I quickly take a seat, wanting to get this over with. 

"So, what's wrong, Katherine?" 

" I said, no easy way to say this...," I say, shutting my eyes tight as tears threaten to spill over. By this point, I can't hold them back. Jaxon sits beside me, and instantly grabs my hand. I snatch it from him, and hold it up. 

"I'm so sorry, Jaxon. I can't believe I did this to you," I say, my cries breaking up my words. His eyes widen, and then darken slightly. 

"What did you do," he says, barely audible. 

"I was...with another man today," I look down to the floor, and Jaxon sits in shock. He stares at me for what seems like a few hours. I want him to say something, anything. 

"I can't believe you," he whispers, still staring at me. 

"I'm so sor-" 

"What did he do to you? What did you do?" 

"I...I...," is all that comes out. 

"Tell me!!!" He yells loudly at me, and for the first time in my life, I am truly afraid of another person. My body is telling me to leave, but I can't move at all. 

He stands up quickly, and runs both his hands over his hair and face. He walks back over to me, and looks at me expectantly. I can't find words. 

"J...Jaxon, I..." then he slaps me right across my face. My mouth opens, and a soft cry of pain escapes my lips. My hand slowly moves up to my face, but I don't dare touch it. He hit me hard, and the tingles coming from my cheek are extremely painful. He just...hit me... 

Almsot instantly, Jaxon's face turns soft, and he kneels down in front of me. 

"Katherine, I am so sorry," he says, his hands wanting to sooth me, but I look at him in pure horror. He just hit me! 

I push past him and leave his room. I walk down the stairs to my car, and get in. I turn the key, and start to drive, not even caring where I'm going. I press down on the gas, and leave as fast as I possibly can without crashing.  

I head down the road, and I can't believe what just happened. Tears run down my cheeks more than they ever have before. They feel weird on my left cheek, but I ignore it. I don't wipe at them because I know they will just continue to run along the same path. My sobs grow louder when I realize where exactly I'm going. I can't stop myself from going though. I just keep driving, until my tires hit a familiar gravel driveway. I drive slowly down it, and when I reach the end, put the car in park. I grib the steering wheel, sobs escaping my throat worse than before. I can't go in there. Why am I even here? What even brought me here? 

I hear a soft knock on my window, and I know instantly who it is. I can't move, but I hear him open my door. Then, I feel his soft fingers coax my face towards his. I look at his beautiful face. 


AN: Wow....thats all I have to say! Tell me what you guys think....did you expect that? How do you feel? Thank you Cheetos789 for your comment, I hope you're not dissapointed :) Thanks so much for all the reads you guys! Dont forget to vote :D

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